
Is maternity leave different from FMLA?

Is maternity leave different from FMLA?

Maternity leave will likely offer you a combination of paid and unpaid leave. All leave mandated by FMLA is unpaid.

Can I combine maternity leave and FMLA?

While both the CFRA and the FMLA provide for baby-bonding leave (for mothers and fathers), only the FMLA covers pregnancy disability leave. Therefore, leave under these statutes doesn’t run concurrently for pregnancy leave.

What are the three types of FMLA leave?

Within FMLA, there are three types of leave that a qualified employee may take: Continuous, intermittent and reduced schedule.

  • Continuous leave.
  • Intermittent leave.
  • Reduced-schedule leave.
  • 4 responses to “FMLA leave: Who’s eligible and for how long?”

Can I take FMLA to care for my fiance?

Under the new rule, an eligible employee in a legal same-sex or common law marriage can take FMLA leave to care for his or her stepchild regardless of whether the employee stands in loco parentis to the stepchild.

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How long is FMLA leave for pregnancy?

Under the regulations, a mother can use 12 weeks of FMLA leave for the birth of a child, for prenatal care and incapacity related to pregnancy, and for her own serious health condition following the birth of a child.

Is maternity leave paid or unpaid?

Some employers have interpreted this to mean that, since the employee is on maternity leave, which is unpaid leave, the employee is then neither working nor is entitled to be paid – hence no annual leave accrues while on maternity leave.

Can I take FMLA before the baby is born?

An expectant mother may take FMLA leave before the birth of the child, for prenatal care, or if her condition makes her unable to work, for example. Intermittent and reduced schedule leave may be used after a birth or placement to be with a healthy child only if the employer agrees.