
Is my sons wife my daughter-in-law?

Is my sons wife my daughter-in-law?

daughter-in-law the wife of your son. You are her mother-in-law or father-in-law.

Is stepson and son in law the same?

As examples, “brother” could once mean “brother-in-law”; “cousin” usually was a generic term for any relative; “son-in-law” could mean what we know today as “stepson”; “in-law”, in the past could mean anyone related by marriage; “father-in-law” and “mother-in-law” could mean what we now know as step-parents.

What do you call your son’s in laws?

Wiktionary attests a specific term for the relationship you describe: co-parents-in-law. However, it recommends simply using in-law in conversation: Rare in conversation, the generic “in-laws” is generally used, with context left to disambiguate.

What are my son in laws parents to me?

A person is a son-in-law or daughter-in-law to the parents of the spouse, who are in turn also the parents of those sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law (if any) who are siblings of the spouse (as opposed to spouses of siblings). Together the members of this family affinity group are called the in-laws.

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Why is it called a son-in-law?

A phrase appended to names of relationship, as father, mother, brother, sister, son, etc., to indicate that the relationship is not by nature, but in the eye of the Canon Law, with reference to the degrees of affinity within which marriage is prohibited. These forms can be traced back to the 14th century.

Is stepson a legal term?

A stepchild is a child born to or legally adopted by your spouse before your marriage whom you have not legally adopted. If you legally adopt the child, your parent-child relationship is the same as if the child were biologically related to you.

Can you marry your father-in-law?

Any man can marry his mother-in-law or daughter-in-law and women can marry their fathers-in-law or sons-in-law. The only proviso is that they must have been separated first through divorce or death from their original partner.