
Is north-east door good?

Is north-east door good?

Which direction is good for house entrance? The main door/entrance should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as these directions are considered auspicious. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions.

Is north-east facing entrance good for House?

North-east: It is known as the most auspicious direction in a home. This corner is the most energetic due to its exposure to the morning sun. North: Your second best option is to opt for a north entrance. While energy levels are high, this direction also brings in large amounts of fortune to the residents of the home.

What is north-east corner in Vastu?

The northeast direction, according to the ancient science of Vastu Shastra, is governed by Lord Shiva. This corner of a home is considered to be the most auspicious and energetic among all the eight directions. This area, also called the Ishanya corner, is the most exposed to the sun.

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Which direction is best for entrance of house?

Placement of Different Rooms The location or the placement is of utmost importance in Vastu shastra. As per Vastu, northeast is the most suitable direction for a house’s entrance. For the bedroom, it is southwest, and for the kitchen, it is southeast. For the pooja room, it is the northeast corner of the house.

Which God is main door?

Idols of Lord Ganesha at the entrance or above the front door are a common feature in Indian homes. As some people believe that placing Lord Ganesha with his back to the house is inauspicious, so another statue or picture of him is placed on the inner side of the entrance.

Which is Kubera mule?

‘Kubera Moolai’ or ‘The Corner of Wealth’: The main cause of financial flash or crash creates from the South-West corner for a place, which is called as “Kubera Moolai” meaning ‘The Corner of Wealth’. South-East and North-West corner are also not preferred either as it can lead to unnecessary expenditure.

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Why toilet should not be in north east direction?

Northeast is the most important direction in any house. This corner is suitable for worship or meditation. In this direction of the house, the toilet is like a toxin, that is, the construction of a toilet in this direction is completely forbidden.