
Is Obi-Wan smart?

Is Obi-Wan smart?

Obi-Wan is one of the smartest characters overall.

Who is the smartest character in Star Wars?

The 10 Smartest Characters From Star Wars Comics

  1. 1 Grand Admiral Thrawn, the ultimate strategist.
  2. 2 Marchion Ro is the bane of the high republic.
  3. 3 The most resourceful bounty hunter in the galaxy, Boba Fett.
  4. 4 Morrigan Corde’s duplicity allowed her to establish many ties.
  5. 5 Darth Wyyrlok III, keeper of sith lore.

Is Obi-Wan the wisest?

Obi Wan is also a wise character because he knows when to ask for help. After Vader “kills” him, Obi Wan still has some kind of Force connection with Luke. Obi Wan could continue to train Luke through that connection, but instead Obi Wan sends him to Yoda. He knows that Yoda can help him more.

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Who was the most intelligent Jedi?

Yoda. Master Yoda, the wisest and perhaps most powerful Jedi of them all, remains species indeterminate and looks like something the cat might drag in, but his lustre as the lovable font of all Jedi wisdom is undimmable. He’s lived 900 years. He must know something.

Is Luke Skywalker smart?

Genius-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader: Much like his father, Anakin, Luke is amazingly intelligent, his intelligence and wisdom rivals that of even Yoda. As the leader of the New Jedi Order, Luke is a highly skilled tactician and a very capable leader.

What was Yodas IQ?

The Jedi council would probably be 125 and up, with Yoda the highest at about 145–160, and Windu 135–150.

What is Grand Admiral Thrawns IQ?

By order of IQ: Darth Sidious: 230+ Thrawn: 225 – 230.

Who is the smartest Sith?

1 Darth Sidious Not only is the man a master of the Force, but also lightsaber combat. He has shown the ability to mess with midi-chlorians, survive death, keep himself alive long past his expiry date, rule the Galactic Empire, oversee two superweapons, and train and use no less than 3 Sith Lords.