
Is sadhguru right or wrong?

Is sadhguru right or wrong?

Sadhguru on Twitter: “There is no such thing as right and wrong in life. The question is, are your actions appropriate and inclusive.

What does sadhguru say about life?

You have come here to live life, not to think about it. Don’t try to invent all kinds of purposes for life. If you explore the nature of this life that you are, you will know that life does not need any purpose—life is too phenomenal by itself. If you experience this life in its fullness, life is a purpose unto itself.

How many languages does sadhguru speak?


What is the meaning of Sadhguru?

Satguru (Sanskrit: सत्गुरु), or Sadguru (Sanskrit: सद्गुरु), means the ‘true guru’ in Sanskrit. However, the term is distinguished from other forms of gurus, such as musical instructors, scriptural teachers, parents, and so on.

What really matters in life Sadhguru?

Sadhguru on Instagram: “All that truly matters in life is profoundness of experience and impact of activity.

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What does it mean to be a Sadhguru?

Sadhguru: When someone comes from their scholarship, they are referred to in different ways. If someone comes from an inner experience, they are referred to as Sadhguru. The word “Sadhguru” is not a title. It is a description. Sadhguru means “uneducated Guru.” I am almost hundred percent spiritually uneducated.

Does it bother you that Sadhguru has never lost an argument?

It doesn’t bother him. Sadhguru is without a doubt one of the wisest teachers I’ve ever seen. Spiritual or otherwise. He speaks in an extremely logical manner that is almost impossible to argue and I’ve never once seen him lose an argument.

What to do at Sadhguru’s Coimbatore Ashram?

The giant Theerthakund pool inside Sadhguru’s ashram in Coimbatore, South India. You’re recommended to take a dip here before meditating in his powerful Dhyanalinga temple Nice little area to eat meals outside

What is sadhana [1]?

Sadhguru: When we say sadhana [1], we are not talking about any particular aspect. We are talking about using every aspect of life – both internal and external – so that it is a continuous nurturing for your life.