
Is Sal tree fruit edible?

Is Sal tree fruit edible?

Shorea robusta seed oil is an edible oil extracted from the seeds of Shorea robusta. Shorea robusta is known as the Sal tree in India….Fatty acid composition of oil.

Fatty acid Percentage
Arachidic acid (C20:0) 5-8
Oleic acid (C18:1) 35-45
Linoleic (C18:2) 1-4

Why is Sal forest important?

The Sal forest ecosystem supports a rich and diverse variety of flora and fauna, which includes 221 plant species and 220 animal species [12, 13]. Though Sal is the single most important tree species in this forest (Fig. 2), approximately 500 undergrowth species have been reported in association with Sal trees [4].

How good is Sal wood?

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Sal Wood is known to be prized wood for furniture making and another usage. Its durability and beauty make it the most demanded timber species for commercial production. The wood is resinous and durable and is sought-after for construction. However, it is not suited so well in polishing.

Is Sal tree endangered?

Least Concern
Sal tree/Conservation status

Where is Sal tree found?

Location : Sal tree are found in Assam, Nepal, Bengal and on the bank of the Yamuna river….Sal Tree.

Kingdom : Plantae
Scientific Name : Shorea robusta
Found In : Bandhavgarh National Park, Corbett National Park and Dudhwa National Park in India

How long does Sal tree takes to grow?

Young trees grow quickly, developing a long taproot at a very young age and attaining top heights of up to 6 metres after 6 years[303 ].

Which type of tree is Sal?

Shorea robusta
Sal (Shorea robusta) is perhaps the second most important timber tree (after teak) in the Indian subcontinent. The timbers are of two main types, white and red meranti. Sal and S. talura are also grown for the culture of lac scale insects that produce the…

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What is a sal forest?

Sal Forest a forest type dominated by a single plant species, commonly known as Sal tree (Shorea robusta). It belongs to the category ‘Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest’. The distribution of Sal forests is controlled by the conditions of topography, geology, and soil.

Is Sal wood waterproof?

SAL Wood is heavier and harder than teak wood. It is resistant to water, termites, and fungi.

Is Sal and teak same?

Sal wood is 25\% to 30\% heavier than teak wood and 45\% to 50\% harder and more durable than teak. It is resistant to white ants, termites and fungi. It is durable and water resistant.

Where is Sal found?

Sal is confined to the lower Himalayas, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Assam, and Madhya Pradesh. Other species with commercial uses are sandalwood (Santalum album), the fragrant wood that is perhaps the most precious in the world, and rosewood, an evergreen used for carving and…

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Which tree is known as Queen of timber?

Shorea robusta
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
Genus: Shorea
Species: S. robusta
Binomial name