
Is Scarecrow fear toxin possible?

Is Scarecrow fear toxin possible?

Yes, for sure. There are a number of naturally occurring toxins from the animal world that can for inside fear or paralysis as well as synthetic derivatives.

What does Scarecrow fear?

With his signature fear gas, Scarecrow has always prided himself in his ability to bring out the worst in people, showing them their greatest fears as they surrender to its effects. Under Scarecrow’s fear gas, arachnophobes see spiders. Ophidiophobes see snakes.

How did scarecrow become scarecrow?

Following this, he transferred to Arkham Asylum and became a psychiatrist, where he performed more fear-induced experiments on his patients. He takes the moniker “the Scarecrow”, the favorite taunt of the hated bullies, as part of his revenge.

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How did Batman resist fear toxin?

How does Batman do this? Well, Batman has fought Scarecrow for so long that he is able to distinguish his Toxin from reality in most cases. Even when he cannot actually resist the hallucinations and the traumas, he usually knows that what he is is seeing is not real.

How did Scarecrow survive Arkham?

Scarecrow fully resurfaced within Gotham nine months after Joker’s death and Arkham City’s shut down. Severely injured after his encounter with Croc in the sewers at Arkham Asylum, Crane surgically grafted his mask to the remains of his face, fully embracing “Scarecrow” as his one and only identity.

How does Scarecrow’s fear gas work?

Also through one of the Riddler’s riddles, you find a few canisters of Fear Gas which make its victims go into utter fright, terror, horror, and panic. Scarecrow uses his fear toxin to keep people in constant fear of him. He injected Killer Croc with the toxin so that it coursed throughout his body and Croc could pass the toxin on by biting people.

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How did Scarecrow feel about his victims?

With his research the only motivating factor in his life, Scarecrow felt nothing but delight when he saw his countless victims’ minds break into insanity and death from his weaponized fear toxin, and reveled in the sense of control that his experiments empowered him with.

What is the Scarecrow’s weapon called?

The Scarecrow Fear Toxin, also known as Fear Gas, was the signature weapon used by the Scarecrow. It induced involuntary and sometimes irrational fear in its victims’ minds, driving them insane.

What happened to Scarecrow after Batman killed him?

Despite the enhanced toxin, Batman managed to overcome his fears once again and put an end to Crane’s plans. Mauled by Killer Croc after he attempted to poison Gotham’s water supply (and Croc’s current sewer lair in the process) with his fear toxin, Scarecrow disappeared for two years.