
Is Sword Art Online manga finished?

Is Sword Art Online manga finished?

Sword Art Online Alternative series are ongoing! Both Alternative Gun Gale Online and Alternative Clover’s Regret are ongoing series, created by different authors but take place in the SAO Universe. Other spin-off material like the Girls Ops Manga is still ongoing as well!

Is there a Sao progressive manga?

Sword Art Online – Progressive (ソードアート・オンライン プログレッシブ, Sōdoāto Onrain Puroguresshibu?) is a manga adaptation of the Sword Art Online Progressive light novel series, itself a reboot of the original light novel series by Kawahara Reki. This manga covers volumes 1 and 2 of the Progressive light novel series.

How many Sao progressive manga are there?

How many Sword Art Online: Progressive books are there? – Quora. Well, according to the Dengeki Bunko website , which is the official JP publisher, the SAO: Progressive is currently has 6 volumes of novels published, and the last one were released in May 2018, which was over 2 years ago.

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Is Sao Alicization manga finished?

The 29th chapter of Kōtarō Yamada ‘s Sword Art Online: Project Alicization manga revealed on Friday that the manga will end in the its 30th chapter on June 11. Yamada’s two-volume Phantom Bullet manga adapted the Phantom Bullet arc of Kawahara’s Sword Art Online light novels.

Is SAO a manga?

Sword Art Online mangas are the manga adaptations of the original Sword Art Online light novel series, written by Kawahara Reki. There are also a variety of original spin-off manga, including Girls Ops, Aincrad Night of Kirito, Kirito’s Gun Gale Wars, and a Kibaou-centred spin-off.

What is Sword Art Online ending?

Kirito receives a call from Rinko who reveals that Alice has gone missing. Looking at Kirito, Alice loses her calm and confronts him for having stayed behind in the underworld. The two then duke each other out in a sword fight in Kiriko’s family dojo where Alice emerges as the winner.