
Is the dentist expensive in Poland?

Is the dentist expensive in Poland?

Dental holiday in Poland In most western countries private dental care is very expensive, and public facilities offer low-quality services and long waiting time for a treatment.

Is dental free in Poland?

The Polish public healthcare system offers certain treatments for free to all patients via public dentists. However, these are often subject to long waiting times and may not be the most aesthetic option.

Is Poland good for dentist?

Poland is a triple threat when it comes to dental treatment for international patients. It offers low prices, high quality care and speedy treatments. This is why it’s such a popular dental tourism destination.

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How can a foreign dentist work in Poland?

According to the Polish law, in order to obtain full qualifications leading to obtaining the right to practice the profession, a person with the Polish “Lekarz” or “Lekarz Dentysta” degree diploma must still pass the Physician Final Examination (LEK) and Dentist Final Examination (LDEK) as well as complete an …

How many dentists are there in Poland?

36,000 dentists
In total there are about 36,000 dentists in Poland. The number of practices signing annual contracts with the National Health Fund is currently around 4,000, falling by an average of around 100 per year.

How long does it take to become a dentist in Poland?

Dentistry in Poland is advanced and the education of dentists is high and regulation is strict. To become a qualified dentist in Poland, students must first undergo five years of training at university. After completing their five-year course, graduates begin a 12-month work experience program.

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How can I become a dentist in Poland?

Where is the best place in Europe for dental implants?

Germany. It’s well known that German medicine is at the forefront of excellent care. This is why Germany is known as one of the best European countries for dental implants.

How do I become a dentist in Poland?

To become a qualified dentist in Poland, students must first undergo five years of training at university prior to beginning dental specialties training. After completing their five-year course, graduates begin a 12-month work experience program.