
Is the Dutch education system good?

Is the Dutch education system good?

Dutch universities are known to be among the best universities in the world, competing with other famous UK and U.S. universities. You could say Netherlands is one of the top non-English speaking countries where you can study abroad, get quality education and find loads of degrees taught in English.

Are public schools good in Netherlands?

Schools in the Netherlands are very good. Since there are almost no private schools in the Netherlands, almost all Dutch kids go to a public or semi-public school. A semi-public school is a school that’s independently operated and based on a specific religion or educational philosophy.

Can you homeschool in the Netherlands?

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In the Netherlands, all children aged 5-18 are required to attend school. Hence, ‘home schooling’ is not allowed.

Are Dutch schools strict?

The Dutch school attendance law (leerplichtwet) is very strict. Children are only allowed to miss school because of very specific reasons; for example, an important family celebration or emergency, or if you can prove that your job doesn’t allow you to take time off during the school holidays.

Is English taught in Dutch schools?

Education is compulsory in the Netherlands between the ages of 5 and 16. The instruction language is Dutch, but more and more schools and universities teach in English.

What are the differences between Dutch schools and international schools?

Dutch schools have a six-week summer vacation, plus one-week breaks in February and autumn and a two-week break in May. Keep in mind that school attendance is mandatory and schools apply the law strictly. By comparison, international schools have fewer official breaks throughout the year and often make use of longer school days.

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Can my child learn Dutch in the Netherlands?

A growing number of schools in the Netherlands now offer a bilingual curriculum, where Dutch and English may be treated (almost) equally. Some bilingual schools will expect your child to be comfortable in one of their teaching languages when starting.

What are private schools like in the Netherlands?

Private schools are uncommon in the Netherlands as most kids, even children of Dutch monarchs, attend public schools. Private schools are mostly for children with special needs or international students that cannot speak any Dutch.

What kind of transition classes are there in Dutch schools?

Many secondary schools offer a mixed transition class. They might, for example, have a VMBO/HAVO or a HAVO/VWO. In Dutch schools lessons will be taught, unsurprisingly, in Dutch. Non Dutch-speaking four and five-year-olds usually acclimatize to this pretty easily.