
Is there a Facebook app for OSX?

Is there a Facebook app for OSX?

There is no FaceBook application for OS X. You access it using your browser.

How do I install Facebook SDK?

To use the Facebook SDK in an Android Studio project, add the SDK as a build dependency and import the SDK.

  1. Go to Android Studio | New Project | Minimum SDK.
  2. Select API 15: Android 4.0.
  3. After you create a new project, open Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Project: and do the following:

How do I check my FB SDK version?

Check what version of the SDK you’re using by going to Integration in the side navigation, and clicking SDK. If the version is out of date, here’s how to update it: Find the most current SDK. Release your updated app version to App Store and/or Google Play.

How do I add Facebook to my Mac?

To add your Facebook account to your Mac, click the Apple menu → select System Preferences → click “Internet Accounts” → click “Facebook” → enter your Facebook login information.

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How do I add Facebook to my Mac desktop?

How to Add Facebook Icon on Mac

  1. Click on the Finder in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. The Finder will now show you all your apps and folders.
  3. Right-click on the Facebook app.
  4. Click on “Make Alias”.
  5. The Finder will now create a copy of the Facebook app.
  6. Drag the Facebook icon you’ve just created to your Desktop.

How do you get a key hash on Facebook on a Mac?

keystore and generate key hash for android development at mac.

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Type cd ~/.android and hit enter to go to .android directory.
  3. If you want to open .
  4. In terminal where you are already in .android directory type.
  5. You are asked for password.
  6. Copy key hash,enter in your facebook app setting page and save changes.

How initialize Facebook SDK iOS?

In Xcode, click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency. In the dialog that appears, enter the repository URL: In Version, select Up to Next Major and the default option. Complete the prompts to select the libraries you want to use in your project.

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What is the latest Facebook SDK version?

version 12.0
The current version of the Facebook SDK for Android is version 12.0.