
Is there any scope in SEO?

Is there any scope in SEO?

The scope of SEO in India is very broad and has a bright future. According to Times of India, digital marketing areas such as Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, and Analytics will create more than 1.5 Lakh jobs with the salary range of Rs 4.5-5.5 Lakh in coming years.

What is the job role of SEO?

As an SEO specialist you’ll identify strategies, techniques and tactics to increase the number of visitors to a website and obtain a high-ranking placement in the results page of search engines. By generating more leads for the business you’ll open up new opportunities for driving growth and profit.

Is SEO a good career for future?

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Of course YES. SEO is a dynamic industry. You will be fortunate to learn NEW techniques in Google’s SEO. If you work on your SEO skills, you will be able to get SEO clients from all around the world.

What is the difference between Seo and SMO?

SMO can be a part of SEO. But when it comes to comparison, it is just another side of the coin. SMO give the opportunity to marketers to utilize the full potential of social media in order to increase website traffic. The purpose of SMO is similar to SEO, to increase traffic.

What is social media marketing optimization (SMO)?

SMO give the opportunity to marketers to utilize the full potential of social media in order to increase website traffic. The purpose of SMO is similar to SEO, to increase traffic. But the methods in this part of the strategy are different. SEO is all about increasing traffic on search engines.

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What does Seo help do?

Help set, and work to, performance indicators for SEO that everyone understands and which complement overall marketing and business objectives Promote both offsite and onsite activities and also the interactions that build ranking, profile and traffic

Do all SEO experts have the same skills and experience?

Not every SEO expert has the same set of skills, experience, or academic background. As in any other industry, the job seekers in this field will vary a lot, and each of them will have a unique story.