
Is there sectional cutoff in IBPS RRB clerk prelims?

Is there sectional cutoff in IBPS RRB clerk prelims?

The cutoff for each stage is released along with the announcement of the IBPS RRB Result for that stage….IBPS RRB Mains 2020 Cutoff: State-wise and Category-wise Cutoff.

State Madhya Pradesh
Categories SC 58.00
ST 44.31
OBC 74.44
EWS 77.13

What is the sectional cutoff for IBPS RRB clerk?

IBPS RRB Clerk Cut Off 2021 State Wise

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Cut off 2021
State/UT General OBC
Karnataka 70.75 70.75
Kerala 77
Madhya Pradesh 73.75 73.75

Is there sectional cutoff in IBPS RRB clerk 2019?

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Cut Off – Sectional wise IBPS RRB Office Assistant Candidates have to qualify cutoff for each section that is Reasoning and Numerical Ability. Even if a candidate qualifies overall cutoff but misses the sectional cutoff he/she will not be considered for the next round.

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What is the expected cutoff for IBPS Clerk prelims 2020?

IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21

IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21 (General)
State Name Cut Off
Karnataka 65.75
Telangana 74.25
Tripura 59.25 (OBC)

What is the cut off for RRB clerk 2020?

IBPS RRB Clerk Cut-Off 2020 (Mains/Final)

RRB Clerk Mains Minimum Cut-Off 2020
Uttar Pradesh 42.44 52
Uttarakhand 51.97 63.38
West Bengal 48.69 48.10

Does IBPS Clerk have state-wise cutoff?

There will be no interview round, therefore the final cut off marks will be prepared on the basis of the Mains exam. IBPS Clerk cut off for prelims and mains exams will be released state-wise and category-wise. The candidates can check the cut off marks from here once officially released by the selection board.

What is minimum and maximum cutoff in IBPS RRB clerk?

IBPS RRB Clerk Cutoff 2021 – Prelims

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Cut Off
State/UT General OBC
Karnataka 70.75 70.75
Kerala 77
Madhya Pradesh 73.75 73.75