
Is Thor in love with Sif?

Is Thor in love with Sif?

Odin, hoping to turn Thor’s feelings in a different direction, arranged for him to meet Sif once more. Sif was now highly accomplished in the ways of the warrior. Soon after meeting Sif again, Thor and Sif became lovers and companions, as well as allies in numerous battles. Eventually, they decided to marry.

Who is Thor’s love interest MCU?

Jane is Thor’s love interest. She is an astrophysicist. Jane appeared in most Thor micro-episodes and in the films.

What happens to Sif in the MCU?

Lady Sif is a fearsome Asgardian warrior and a good friend of Thor and the Warriors Three. In 2018, Sif was among the many who died when Thanos completed the Infinity Gauntlet and wiped out half the life in the universe. However, she was resurrected by Hulk and the other Avengers in 2023.

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Did Sif and Loki sleep together?

As Loki taunts the other gods, Sif says she alone is ‘blameless’, and then Loki accuses her of having slept with him. As far as I know, this is the only direct mention of Loki having had sex with Sif, but he does claim to have slept with many of the goddesses.

Will Lady Sif be in Loki?

SIF’S NEXT STEP IN THE MCU Even though Jamie Alexander is set to return as Lady Sif in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, the actress was still able to surprise fans with her cameo in Loki.

Why didn’t Thor end up with Sif?

Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander) left Asgard prior to Thor: Ragnarok and hasn’t returned. She wasn’t in the movie because of Alexander’s commitments to the TV series Blindspot, but that doesn’t explain why one of Asgard’s biggest defenders wasn’t on hand for the big battle with Hela (Cate Blanchett).

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Who does Thor fall in love with in Norse mythology?

With Sif, Thor had a daughter known as Thudr, who may have become a valkyrie. Outside his marriage, Thor had a regular lover, Járnsaxa. With his jötunn lover, Thor had a son named Magni (“strength”). He also had many casual lovers and one-night stands.