
Is Tijuana safe for medical tourism?

Is Tijuana safe for medical tourism?

Only 15 minutes away from San Diego airport, Tijuana, Mexico is a safe and affordable destination for quality medical care. The best deals for procedures like weight loss surgery can actually be found across the border in Tijuana.

How Safe Is Tijuana now?

Yes, Tijuana is dangerous. Tijuana is Mexico’s 6th largest city, and it’s most dangerous. There are 134 murders per 100,000 people, and Tijuana has been ranked the most violent city in the world. At 7.7 times more than Detroit, the end of 2019 recorded 2,100 total murders in Tijuana.

Is Tijuana Mexico safe for surgery?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning travelers against having plastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, after reporting that 11 Americans who have had surgeries in the border town recently have returned home with antibiotic-resistant infections.

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Why do people go to Mexico for medical procedures?

Money matters. The biggest selling point of Mexico as a destination for those willing to travel to get medical treatment is that prices are simply lower south of the border. This is borne out by the statistics of Mexico medical travel, which show that the savings for all sorts of procedures can be huge.

What do I need to know before going to Tijuana?

10 things you don’t know about tijuana

  • Tijuana is safe. Like any city, there are places you shouldn’t go.
  • You are mispronouncing the city’s name.
  • TJ has its own airport.
  • You can walk across the border from the US.
  • TJ has beaches and a boardwalk.
  • Medical tourism is a thing here.
  • There are kid-friendly places in TJ.

What is the best time to cross the border from Tijuana to San Diego walking?

The best time to cross from Tijuana to San Diego is the early morning 4:am to 6:am.

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Is downtown Tijuana safe?

During the day, it is safe to walk around all of the touristy areas including Zona Centro (downtown), Zona Río, Zona Norte, and Playas de Tijuana. It is also safe to walk to and from the border and between downtown and Zona Río. The city maintains a heavy police presence in these areas.

Why do people go to Tijuana for plastic surgery?

Not only lower costs and excellent results are the main reasons why people choose Tijuana, Mexico for their cosmetic procedures, but also the dedication of doctors and medical staff.

Are hospitals safe in Mexico?

The quality of health care services in Mexico is comparable to the States. Mexico has the highest number of certified hospitals in Latin America. Modern equipment is plentiful in major cities. Medicines in Mexico is as safe as it is in the United States of America.