
Is Wikia org credible?

Is Wikia org credible?

Wikipedia is not a reliable source for citations elsewhere on Wikipedia. Because it can be edited by anyone at any time, any information it contains at a particular time could be vandalism, a work in progress, or just plain wrong.

Where did fandom migrate to?

In October 2018, Fandom began the process of migrating domains to As of 2020, all wikis have been migrated to or

Why did fandom change their logo?

And they never told us about this new logo change, but why did they change their logo, why, why? The new logo is a flame because FANDOM is trying to burn it’s self to the ground.

Why is my fandom wiki closed?

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Wikis on Fandom are rarely closed. They belong to the Fandom community and generally stay open for everyone to use. However, there are some reasons why a wiki is closed. The wiki’s content or intention violated Fandom’s Terms of Use or the Community Creation Policy.

Does Wikia have viruses?

Wikia doesn’t get viruses. It may be an extension on your browser, or a virus that has been infecting your computer.

What is Wikia Nocookie?

Cafeinlove msg 2012/8/27, 16:34 (KST) is a cookieless domain. This means that your site cookies aren’t sent to the server, thus reducing the request size. So technically the nocookie site should be a little faster.

Is FANDOM currently down? is UP and reachable by us. The above graph displays service status activity for over the last 10 automatic checks. The blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller. If no bar is displayed for a specific time it means that the service was down and the site was offline.

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Why is FANDOM blocked?

Each wiki may have slightly different blocking policies, but in general, blocks are given for: Repeated vandalism. Breaking policies. Adding pages that are copyright violations.

Is Wikia owned by Wikipedia?

(formerly known as Wikia, Inc.), a for-profit Delaware company founded in October 2004 by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley. Fandom was acquired in 2018 by TPG Capital and Jon Miller through Integrated Media Co….Fandom (website)

Type of business Subsidiary
Launched October 18, 2004 (as Wikicities)
Current status Active

What happened to will in the upside down?

The connection also caused him to experience physical pain whenever the vines and biological matter originating from the Upside Down were burned. As Will’s mind was gradually taken over, he began to experience memory loss and was manipulated into aiding the Mind Flayer.

What happened to Will Ferrell in the upside down?

On the night of November 6th, 1983, Will was abducted by the Demogorgon and taken into an alternate dimension dubbed the Upside Down. For a week, Will evaded the creature while his family and friends desperately searched for him.

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What made will feel left out of the D&D party?

However, his friends’ disinterest and maturity, disheartened Will as he started feeling left out amongst his friends. When Will tried to play to a D&D campaign with Mike and Lucas after they had problems with their girlfriends, their boredom finally caused Will to snap at his friends.