
Is work done when pressure changes?

Is work done when pressure changes?

Pressure–volume work is the work that is done by the compression or expansion of a fluid. Whenever there is a change in volume and external pressure remains constant, pressure–volume work is taking place.

Why is no work done in free expansion?

As P is zero in free expansion process, Work done is also zero. Work done = zero because , free expansion is a irreversible adiabatic and isothermal process . Due to isothermal , there is no temperature change and hence no internal energy change occur.

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When there is no volume change on a pressure system the work done is?

Adiabatic free expansion of a gas Because there is no external pressure for the gas to expand against, the work done by or on the system is zero. Since this process does not involve any heat transfer or work, the first law of thermodynamics then implies that the net internal energy change of the system is zero.

When the work is done on the gases which of the following?

5. When the work is done on the gases, which of the following effect is observed on the turning moment diagram? Explanation: When the work is done on the gases, the pressure inside the cylinder decreases and has a value lower than the atmospheric pressure, as a result a negative loop is formed. 6.

Is the work done by gas higher if the expansion is at constant pressure or at constant temperature?

The answer to this was based on the graph of the two cases and comparison of the two pV graphs. Which gave a conclusion that W at constant temperature gives a greater value for the given case.

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Is work done on a gas positive or negative?

The work done by a gas expanding against an external pressure is therefore negative, corresponding to work done by a system on its surroundings. Conversely, when a gas is compressed by an external pressure, ΔV < 0 and the work is positive because work is being done on a system by its surroundings.

When a gas increases in volume work done on the gas is?

The sign of work When the gas does work the volume of a gas increases ( Δ V > 0 \Delta \text V>0 ΔV>0delta, start text, V, end text, is greater than, 0) and the work done is negative.

Why the work done obtained in expansion of gas in vacuum is zero?

A free expansion means expansion against zero opposing force. When the gas expands in a vacuum, there is no opposing force, that is, Pext = 0. The work done by a system during such expansion is W = – Pext ∆V = 0. Thus, work done in a vacuum is zero.

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What is the work done in free expansion against zero pressure of an ideal gas?

During free expansion of an ideal gas, the work done is 0 be it a reversible or irreversible process. Where ∆U represents the change in internal energy, q is the heat given by the system and w is the work done on the system.

Is no work done if volume doesn’t change?

If the volume doesn’t change, no work is done. If the pressure stays constant while the volume changes, the work done is easy to calculate.

Can work be done by a system without changing its volume?

If the system goes through a cyclic process, then initial volume gets equal to the final volume after one cycle. But work done by the gas is non-zero. So, work can be done by a system without changing its volume.