
Is Yuichiro hanma stronger than Yujiro?

Is Yuichiro hanma stronger than Yujiro?

Since yujiro can learn and master every technique and fighting style just by looking, yuichiro should have this ability too. yuichiro should have the same capabilities as his son, the only difference is that yuichiro is stronger than yujiro in all ways.

Is Kenshiro stronger than Yujiro?

Yujiro has insane levels of physical power, far beyond anything Kenshiro has ever displayed. But Kenshiro attacks the pressure points and chi-flows of his opponents, so no matter how tough Yujiro is, Ken might still be able to kill him as his art does not care how tough your skin is.

Is Akuma a Oni?

Oni and Akuma is the same person, but there are crucial differences between them. Consider Akuma as the base or normal form, and Oni is the enraged and super form.

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How hanma Yuichiro died?

Major General James, the man in charge of the operation against Yuuichiro, requested the use of a nuclear bomb just to kill one man. Yuuichiro then proceeded to kill Major General James on board the Iowa Battleship, throwing him with such immense power, his corpse pierced through the wood of the ship.

How strong is hanma Yujiro?

He was able to easily move at bullet-like speeds when he was only 16. Another indication of his incredible might would be his durability, Yuujiro being capable of taking a full power strike from literally anything or anyone on Earth without being damaged or even flinching whatsoever.

What characters could beat Goku?

12 Anime Characters Who Can Easily Beat Goku

  • Saitama from One Punch Man. Saitama is the main protagonist of One Punch Man.
  • Nanika from Hunter x Hunter.
  • Eri from My Hero Academia.
  • Ryuk from Death Note.
  • Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100.
  • Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto.
  • Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass.
  • Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto.
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How much can biscuit Oliva lift?

His appearance and name are based on former Mr. Universe and three-time Mr. Olympia Sergio Oliva. In Baki-Dou (II), during the fight between Oliva and Nomi no Sukune II, it is mentioned that Oliva can lift 500k of deadlift.

How fast is Yujiro punch?

However, by Yujiro’s own admition, Baki’s punches are faster than any bullet. Using the . 220 Swift, which reaches a speed of 1,422 m/s, the calc reaches Mach 504.124.