
Should I create separate account for YouTube channel?

Should I create separate account for YouTube channel?

You don’t need a separate username or password to manage YouTube channels with a Brand Account. Connect your YouTube Channel to a Brand Account if: You want to use a different name on YouTube than your Google Account. You want to give other people access to your YouTube Channel, but not to your Google Account.

How many YouTube accounts can you have on one?

If you are watching YouTube TV on your phone and TV simultaneously, it counts as two devices in use. While each YouTube TV subscription supports up to six separate accounts, the three device limit still applies at all times, regardless of which account is using the platform.

Can a YouTube channel be managed by multiple accounts?

You can set up your YouTube channels to be managed by just you or by multiple people. You can choose from one of the following options for a YouTube channel: Connect it to your personal Google Account: The channel will use your Google Account name and photo.

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Why do I have two YouTube accounts?

This is because your channel was connected to a Brand Account during a recent YouTube update. Learn more about channels migrated to Brand Accounts. You can set up your YouTube channels to be managed by just you or by multiple people.

Should I have a separate email for my YouTube channel?

If you’re starting a YouTube channel for your business, set up a separate Google/YouTube account from scratch, using a unique and nonpersonal email address. That way someone else from within your organization can run the channel without you having to give out your personal Google account username and password.

Is YouTube Music separate from YouTube Premium?

YouTube Music Premium – This is the subscription service specifically for YouTube Music. It has the same features as YouTube Premium, but those features are locked to the YouTube Music service only. You used to need a YouTube Premium subscription to watch them, but YouTube made them free in late 2019.

Can you share YouTube Music?

You can share playlists from the YouTube Music app using a computer or mobile device. When you share a playlist, a link is created that you can give to somebody else. Remember that if your playlist includes any private videos, you’ll need to invite your friends or family to view the videos first.

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How many YouTube channels can you monetize?

There is no limit on the number of monetized channels you can own, as long as they are compliant with policy. However not meeting the requirements shouldn’t lead to your monetization being disabled, and if your monetization tab was disabled due to AdSense issues, then you will not be able to monetize on YouTube.

How do I manage another YouTube account?

Change roles or remove users

  1. On YouTube, sign in as the owner of the Brand Account.
  2. In the top right, click your account Settings .
  3. Under “Account,” select Add or remove manager(s).
  4. Click Manage permissions.
  5. Enter your password and re-authenticate.
  6. You’ll see a list of users who can manage the account.

Can you make multiple YouTube accounts?

Can you have multiple YouTube channels? Yes, you can have multiple YouTube channels! Thankfully, YouTube now allows you to create channels with your current YouTube/Google account. When you create these new channels, you create something called a Brand Account linked to your personal account.

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Should I create a separate YouTube channel for my band?

Not only you should create a separate channel, I recommend you to create a completely separate Google account for your band (your example). The recommended setup is: create a new Gmail account for your band, then create a Google+ Page for the band and then a new YouTube channel chained to that Google+ page.

How to connect your YouTube channel to a brand account?

Connect your YouTube Channel to a Brand Account if: 1 First, check to see if you already have a Brand Account. 2 Sign in to YouTube. 3 Go to your channel list. 4 Click Create a new channel. 5 Fill out the details to name the Brand Account and verify your account. Then, click Create. This creates your Brand Account.

How do I create an account on YouTube?

Create an account on YouTube 1 Go to YouTube. 2 In the top right, click Sign in. 3 Click Create Account. 4 Choose For myself or To manage my business. More

What are the changes to brand account permissions for YouTube channels?

Brand Account permissions will no longer apply to the channel and access will be managed exclusively through YouTube Studio. Existing Brand Account users will be copied into channel permissions, but you’ll have to manually set the permissions level and send the invite.