
Should I have NumLock on or off?

Should I have NumLock on or off?

It is a lock key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state (on or off) affects the function of the numeric keypad commonly located to the right of the main keyboard and is commonly displayed by an LED built into the keyboard….Num Lock.

Key on Numeric Keypad Num Lock On Num Lock Off
. . (dot) or , (comma) Delete

What is NumLock used for?

The NumLock key changes the operation of the numeric keypad keys on a PC-style keyboard.

Where is my NumLock key?

The Num Lock key is usually located in the upper-left corner of the keypad. If you’re using a laptop with a numeric keypad, the Num Lock key will be in the same place as a desktop keyboard.

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What does the NumLock key enable?

NumLock key is used to convert part of the main keyboard to act as a numeric keypad rather than letters. When enabled, NumLock lets you use the 7-8-9, u-i-o, j-k-l and m keys as a numeric keypad.

What happens when Num Lock is off?

With Num Lock activated (and lit up, where applicable), the keys can be used to input numbers; when it’s deactivated, the other functions come into play. On laptops, it’s common to find that Num Lock activates numerical functions of alphabetical keys, and you sometimes need to press a Function or Fn key to activate it.

How do you unlock NumLock on a laptop?

Press Fn+F8, F7, or Insert to enable/disable numlock. For 15-inch or above laptops, the numeric keypad is located on the right side of the keyboard. Press NmLk to enable or disable the numeric keypad.

How do I turn off number lock on my HP laptop?

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If you want to turn it off, open the On-Screen Keyboard and select the NumLock button again.

How do I use NumLock?

Where is NumLock on Dell laptop?

Press the “Fn” key, normally located in the lower left corner of the keyboard next to the “CTRL” key, and the “F11” key at the same time. Depending on the particular Dell laptop model, the “F11” key may say “Num Lock” or may have an icon of a keypad.

Why is NumLock off by default?

Originally Answered: Why is NumLock turned off by default? Because many devices, such as notebooks, don’t have a separate numeric keypad. The thinking is the navigation keys are more likely to be used, by way of key combinations, as the numbers already have their own keys on a row of the keyboard.