
Should I play Resident Evil 2 or the remake?

Should I play Resident Evil 2 or the remake?

The original Resident Evil 2 is still an absolutely great game, and even though it’s no longer canon, it’s far from irrelevant. It’s an awesome gateway to the other classic entries, and anyone who enjoyed the remake should get a kick out of the vast of differences between the two.

Is Resident Evil 3 remake a good game?

Resident Evil 3 is an entertaining, well-made game that brings one of the series’s less-heralded entries right up to date. It feels more like an expansion to 2 than an entirely new game. That doesn’t mean it isn’t worth playing, but it does mean you should know what you’re getting into before pulling the trigger.

What order should you play Resident Evil?

If you’re wanting to get the core Resident Evil experience you should play in this order:

  1. Resident Evil Remake (PC)
  2. Resident Evil 2 (GCN Version on Dolphin with HD Pack)
  3. Resident Evil 3 (PC)
  4. Resident Evil 0 (PC)
  5. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (PS3/360)
  6. Resident Evil 4 (PC + HD Project Mod)
  7. Resident Evil Revelations (PC)
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Which resident evils have they remade?


1996 Resident Evil
2019 Resident Evil 2 (remake)
2020 Resident Evil 3 (remake)
Resident Evil: Resistance
2021 Resident Evil Village

Is Re 2 remake scary?

The Resident Evil 2 Remake is one of the scariest games to come out in recent years. Sure, you could say it’s because of the monsters or the zombie-like theme, but what really makes this game stand out in the horror genre are the mechanics behind the scares.

Is Resident Evil 2 Easy?

Assisted Difficulty- The easiest game mode by far holds your hand throughout your entire zombie-killing expedition. You’ll have access to aim assist; a neat feature that allows even those with the worst aim to survive and conquer.

What Resident Evil should I play first?

Resident Evil Remake Next up on the Resident Evil timeline is the first Resident Evil game, though we highly suggest playing the remake, which launched for the GameCube in 2002.