
Was Bandera fascist?

Was Bandera fascist?

Bandera remains a highly controversial figure in Ukraine, with some hailing him as a liberator who fought against both the Soviet and the Nazi’s state while trying to establish an independent Ukraine, and others condemning him as a fascist and a war criminal who was, together with his followers, largely responsible for …

What do you know about Oun who was the leaders of OUN?

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Організація Українських Націоналістів
Emblem of OUN-M Emblem of OUN-B
Abbreviation OUN
Leader Bohdan Kravciv (first) Volodymyr Timtchyj (last)
Paramilitary Wing Ukrainian Insurgent Army

What is the UPA in Ukraine?

Ukrainian Insurgent Army
The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainian: Українська повстанська армія, УПА, Ukrayins’ka Povstans’ka Armiya, abbreviated UPA) was a Ukrainian nationalist paramilitary and later partisan formation.

How old is arkey blue?

The building was constructed in 1921, and the downstairs originally opened as The Fox Hole. In the 1940s, the dance hall became The Silver Dollar, then in 1968, the venue was purchased by Arkey Juenke, who renamed the place Arkey Blue’s Silver Dollar Saloon.

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Is Texas a hilly?

The region is notable for its karst topography and tall rugged hills of limestone or granite. The predominant trees in the region are ashe juniper and Texas live oak. Bound on the east by the Balcones Escarpment, the Hill Country reaches into the far northern portions of San Antonio and the western portions of Austin.

What country’s flag has a trident?

With the approach of independence, Barbados sponsored a competition among its citizens for a new national flag. Grantley Prescod, an art teacher and native Barbadian, looked at existing symbols for inspiration. The Barbados seal suggested to him the use of the distinctive trident.