
Was Poland part of the Iron Curtain?

Was Poland part of the Iron Curtain?

The Europan countries which were considered to be “behind the Iron Curtain” included: Poland, Estearn Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and the Soviet Union. From North Korea to Cuba more countries were separated from the West in the same sense.

Where did the Iron Curtain stretch from?

The Iron Curtain stretched over a distance of almost 7,000 km through Europe from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea and divided the continent into east and west. Until the fall in 1989 it was a physical and ideological border between two hostile blocs.

When did the Iron Curtain fall in Poland?

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In 1989, Polish workers helped bring down the Iron Curtain. Today, the former revolutionaries are disappointed with how their country is developing.

Which European country was located west of the Iron Curtain?

To the west of the Iron Curtain, the countries of Western Europe, Northern Europe, and Southern Europe – along with Austria, West Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland – operated market economies.

WHO declared the Iron Curtain?

Winston Churchill’s
Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech—March 5, 1946. Churchill’s famed “Iron Curtain” speech ushered in the Cold War and made the term a household phrase.

What happened when the Iron Curtain was lifted?

In late 1991 the Soviet Union itself dissolved into its component republics. With stunning speed, the Iron Curtain was lifted and the Cold War came to an end.

Where did the Iron Curtain fall first?

The events that demolished the Iron Curtain started with peaceful opposition in Poland, and continued into Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. Romania became the only socialist state in Europe to overthrow its government with violence.

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How did the Iron Curtain affect Europe?

The Iron Curtain and the Cold War surrounding it had disastrously negative effects on the post war economy, especially in Eastern Europe. The people there faced food shortages, economic stagnation and large-scale political upheaval.

What two countries were behind the Iron Curtain that are no longer on the map?

The USSR, East Germany, and Czechoslovakia are three of the countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain but are no longer on the map.