
Was Snape better than Lily at Potions?

Was Snape better than Lily at Potions?

We know that Snape has always been good at potions (Slughorn says so, and Snape is potion’s master, and he added all those hints to his potions book and so on). But on numerous occasions Slughorn says Lily was very good at potions too.

Was Lily only good at Potions Snape?

It is possible that because Lily liked potions Snape showed interest, or it could be he was a natural at potions. From the little bit of evidence we have (Slughorn’s praise of Lily) – one could put forth the theory that the only reason Lily was good at potions is because Snape helped her.

Was Snape the best at Potions?

Slughorn was more interested in the welfare of talented students by boosting their career with his contacts. Snape was better at potions, Slughorn was the better teacher of potions. Originally Answered: Who was a better potions master- Snape or Slughorn?

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Was Lily Evans really good at Potions?

It was striking how often in HBP we were told that Lily Evans Potter was highly gifted at Potions. The fact that she was good at potions isn’t, perhaps, so significant in itself. If Dumbledore chose her as Head Girl, it stands to reason that she was a good student.

Who was the best at Potions in Harry Potter?

1 Felix Felicis However long this luck lasts is related to how much they drank. We see it used multiple times in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, when Harry manages to get some much-needed information from Horace Slughorn (and then later, when he gives it to his friends and they seem invincible in duels).

Is Snape or Slughorn potion better?

Snape was better at potions, Slughorn was the better teacher of potions. Snape was better in my opinion. He changed potion rules when he was a kid, which worked better than the real rules. However, he was a jerk teacher.

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Who is best potion master?

Professor Horace Slughorn is a legend around the halls of Hogwarts. As one of the longest-serving teachers in Hogwarts, he started to teach Potions in the 1940s until his retirement around 1981-82. His student, Severus Snape, took his place as Potions teacher up until Harry’s sixth year in Hogwarts.

Did Snape teach Lily potions?

18 Snape Taught Lily About Magic Before Hogwarts He was her first wizarding friend and her introduction into the magical world that became her home. Lily is often hailed as one of the brightest witches of her age, and some of that may be due to knowledge she received from the bright, if sullen, half-blood prince.

Why was Lily so good at potions?

Lily Evans was, by all accounts, a bright witch. She was a prefect, which is a title typically given to students with above-average performance in academics, among others. It’s likely that Potions was just her speciality, the way Neville excels at Herbology, even though he’s less than scintillating at other subjects.