
What age group reads the most poetry?

What age group reads the most poetry?

Among 18-24-year-olds, the poetry-reading rate more than doubled, to 17.5 percent in 2017, up from 8.2 percent in 2012. Among all age groups, 25-34-year-olds had the next highest rate of poetry-reading: 12.3 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 2012.

Do teenagers read poetry?

Poetry is hot — a lot hotter than you might think. The share of adults reading poetry grew by an astounding 76 percent between 2012 and 2017, according to a newly released study from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).

Do people even read poetry?

Here’s how the NEA breaks down their data from the last several surveys. In 2017, we saw nearly 28 million adults reading poetry, which amounts to being 11.7\% of the US adult population. It’s not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but to go up from the 6.7\% we saw in 2012, reaching nearly 12\% is pretty exciting.

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Do people love poetry?

People who enjoy poetry often love its sound techniques, the rhyme and the rhythm of it. A poem may also offer very vivid imagery within only a few lines creating a strong impact upon the reader. Those who love poetry love language and what can be achieved with carefully selected words arranged artfully in lines.

How do you eat poem poems?

Bite in, Pick it up with your fingers and lick the juice that may run down your chin. It is ready and ripe now, whenever you are. You do not need a knife or fork or spoon or plate or napkin or tablecloth. For there is no core or stem or rind or pit or seed or skin to throw away.

Are poems useless?

Studies show that music can also shape an individual’s personality and character. Matching lyrics, choosing, instruments, playing instruments or singing require much more skill than writing a few lines. Poetry certainly cannot arouse the brain the same way a song can, and this is a key reason poetry is pointless.

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Why is poetry not popular?

Why does no one read poetry anymore? Television and the Internet, and the consequent decline in literacy, are the obvious culprits. The fact that most contemporary poetry lacks rhyme and meter does not make it bad. Sometimes it is very good.

Are poems still popular?

Haters have been dragging the art form and claiming it’s extinct for decades, but according to a new study, poetry is more popular now than ever. According to the NEA’s study, the poetry reading-rate among people age 18-24 more than doubled, rising from 8.2\% in 2012 to 17.5\% in 2017.