
What are key nursing interventions for the care of a patient with a colostomy?

What are key nursing interventions for the care of a patient with a colostomy?

Caring for a Colostomy

  • Use the right size pouch and skin barrier opening.
  • Change the pouching system regularly to avoid leaks and skin irritation.
  • Be careful when pulling the pouching system away from the skin and don’t remove it more than once a day unless there’s a problem.
  • Clean the skin around the stoma with water.

What are common nursing diagnoses postoperatively?

Here are 13 nursing diagnosis for a client undergoing surgery or perioperative nursing care plans (NCP):

  • Deficient Knowledge (Pre-op)
  • Fear/Anxiety.
  • Risk for Injury.
  • Risk for Injury (Pre-op)
  • Risk for Infection.
  • Risk for Imbalanced Body Temperature.
  • Ineffective Breathing Pattern.
  • Altered Sensory/Thought Perception.
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What is colostomy care?

What is colostomy care? Colostomy care includes how to change, empty, and clean your pouch system. You and your family will be taught colostomy care before you leave the hospital.

How do you care for a colostomy?

Document the overall appearance (shiny, taut, edematous, dry, moist, pale, textured, smooth, and bloody) and the presence of stents, rods, drains (include type and location). Describe the color (red, beefy red, pink, pale pink, purple, blue, black) and shape (round, oval, budded).

What nursing management should be provided for the patient postoperatively?

Nursing interventions include monitoring vital signs, airway patency, and neurologic status; managing pain; assessing the surgical site; assessing and maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance; and providing a thorough report of the patient’s status to the receiving nurse on the unit, as well as the patient’s family.

What are the 2 most common nursing diagnoses in the preoperative period?

The most common nursing diagnoses in the preoperative period are knowledge deficit and anxiety. 30. Knowledge deficit may be related to periop- erative routines, surgical interventions, or out- come expectations.

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How do you assess a colostomy?


  1. Gently feel around the stoma site for any tenderness.
  2. Ask the patient to cough and feel for a cough impulse for any obvious parastomal hernia.
  3. Gently digitate the stoma to assess for any stenosis and check patency.