
What are some good categories for trivia?

What are some good categories for trivia?

The Best Fun Trivia Categories For Your Next Family Quiz Night

  • Everyday Science Trivia. You can assess your children’s knowledge by asking them good trivia topics that are related to the world around us.
  • Maths Trivia.
  • Nature Around Us Trivia.
  • Sports Trivia.
  • Seasons Trivia.
  • Movies Trivia.
  • Music Trivia.
  • Games Trivia.

What categories are in a pub quiz?


  • Art and Literature (700 questions)
  • General Knowledge (1197 questions)
  • Geography (734 questions)
  • History (736 questions)
  • Music (932 questions)
  • Science and Nature (640 questions)
  • Sport (820 questions)
  • Tie Break (237 questions)

How many trivia categories are there?

Questions are split into six categories, with each one having its own color to readily identify itself; in the classic version of Trivial Pursuit, the Geography category is blue, Entertainment is pink, History is yellow, Arts & Literature is originally brown, later purple, Science & Nature is green, and Sports & …

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What is pub style trivia?

A pub quiz is a quiz held in a pub or bar. These events are also called quiz nights, trivia nights, or bar trivia and may be held in other settings. Pub quizzes may attract customers to a pub who are not found there on other days. Pub quizzes are a staple event at Irish pubs, where they are usually held in English.

What are some game categories?

In our game genres list, we’ll cover 10 of the most relevant video game categories today.

  • Sandbox.
  • Real-time strategy (RTS)
  • Shooters (FPS and TPS)
  • Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
  • Role-playing (RPG, ARPG, and More)
  • Simulation and sports.
  • Puzzlers and party games.
  • Action-adventure.

How do I organize my pub trivia?

7 Steps to Hosting Your First Trivia Night

  1. Scheduling the Event.
  2. Decide on a Host.
  3. Choose a Theme.
  4. Pick a Format.
  5. Set Clear Rules.
  6. Pick Out Prizes.
  7. Advertise Your Trivia Night.

How do I organize my trivia game?

10 Tips For Hosting a Successful Trivia Night

  1. Have well written questions. You want to make sure that the questions you have strike a good balance for the audience.
  2. Create clear rules.
  3. Come prepared.
  4. Know your audience.
  5. Have good prizes.
  6. Have enough materials.
  7. Bring backup.
  8. Know your answers.
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How do you structure a quiz?

7 Tips for Writing the Best Quiz Questions

  1. Aim for 7 questions.
  2. Keep it short and simple.
  3. Don’t make your questions too obvious.
  4. Pay attention to the order of your questions.
  5. Have a consistent number of answers.
  6. Make sure there’s an answer for everyone.
  7. Be careful with pop culture references.

What are fun trivia themes?

Get Creative On Game Night With These 8 Fun Trivia Themes

  • Movies of the 1990s and early 2000s.
  • Which meme is it?
  • A music-themed trivia night.
  • True, false, or bogus trivia night.
  • Disney movie trivia.
  • Celebrity pseudonyms vs.
  • A book-themed trivia night.
  • Best friend trivia.

How do I organize my pub quiz?

Let’s jump right in.

  1. Pick the right platform.
  2. Get your quiz ready: pick a theme and find the questions.
  3. Come up with different types of questions to break the flow.
  4. Have additional facts and details prepared about each question.
  5. Rehearse the quiz beforehand.
  6. Have two facilitators to change the dynamic.
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What are the most popular game categories?

Video game sales in the United States in 2018, by genre

Characteristic Share of units sold
Action 26.9\%
Shooter 20.9\%
Role-playing 11.3\%
Sport 11.1\%

What are the four game categories?

TGfU games are categorized tactically into four group- 1. TARGET, 2. NET AND WALL, 3. STRIKING AND FIELDING and 4.