
What are the effect of poor health?

What are the effect of poor health?

Poor health can limit one’s ability to work, reduce economic opportunities, inhibit educational attainment, and lead to medical debt and bankruptcy.

What is the cause of poor health?

Health is affected by the interaction between personal and environmental factors. Environmental influences include physical, socio-economic, cultural and political factors, as well as the availability of health services.

How poor health conditions causes poverty?

Poor health increases poverty by: Reducing a family’s work productivity. Leading families to sell assets to cover the costs of treatment. This increases poverty and their vulnerability to shocks in the future.

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How would you describe poor health?

Similar words for in poor health: sickly (adjective) unhealthy (adjective) unsound (adjective) unwell (adjective)

What is the major cause of poor health in India?

The correct answer is Water pollution. Water pollution is one of the major causes of poor health in India.

What is the definition of poor health?

Medical Definition of ill-health : a condition of inferior health in which some disease or impairment of function is present but is usually not as serious in terms of curtailing activity as an illness elderly parents who are in ill-health and need their financial and personal help— E. C.

What word means poor health?

sicker. adjectivenot healthy, not feeling well. ailing. bedridden.

What is another word for poor health?

What is another word for poor health?

health condition affliction
indisposition feebleness
enfeeblement fragility
frailty debilitation
frailness complication

How lack of basic services has a major negative impact on the health of the poor people in South Africa?

The loss of jobs and income is likely to result in reduced ability to access healthcare and a nutritious diet. This, in turn, will negatively impact on people’s health. We found that poor populations bore a disproportionately higher burden of poor health. This was the case in both 2017 and the COVID-19 period.

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What are the biggest health problems in the world?

Top 10 Most Common Health Issues

  • Physical Activity and Nutrition.
  • Overweight and Obesity.
  • Tobacco.
  • Substance Abuse.
  • Mental Health.
  • Injury and Violence.
  • Environmental Quality.