
What are the holes at the bottom of pots for?

What are the holes at the bottom of pots for?

Tap water and fertilizers contain salts that can harm plants. As plant roots take in water, they leave some of the salts behind, and salts concentrate in the soil over time. When you water thoroughly and let the water flow out through the drainage holes in the bottom of the container, salts are flushed out of the soil.

Do indoor plant pots need a hole in the bottom?

Our answer is yes, but with caution. What is the purpose of a drainage hole? All plants need water to survive. Drainage holes allow excess water to seep out of pots after watering, ensuring that water does not pool at the base of a pot, helping to protect sensitive roots from rot, fungus and bacteria.

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Why do clay pots have a hole at the bottom?

Plant pots need drainage for healthy plant growth. The hole in the bottom of a plant pot provides drainage to the soil above. Most pots have small holes that allow water to drain out while keeping the soil in place. Soil can slip through the holes, along with the water, making a mess each time you irrigate your plants.

Should you put holes in plant pots?

Placing holes on the sides of a plant pot improves both water drainage and aeration in plants. The number of holes should be between 4 to 8, at 1” diameter closer to the bottom of the pot with a saucer. With smaller holes, there is less loss of soil and ensures the soil remains well-drained.

Can you leave an indoor plant in the container it came in?

The suggested solution: Keep your houseplants in their plastic nursery pots for at least the first year. You can still use your pretty pot by slipping the new plant in its original plastic pot and dirt into the decorative pot and cover the top with Spanish moss or rocks to cover any gaps.

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Should you put rocks in the bottom of a planter?

In general, it’s not necessary to put rocks in the bottom of plant pots. One rock to cover the drainage hole is enough – just enough so that the soil doesn’t leach out of the bottom but water can flow freely through the pot. Putting rocks in plant pots doesn’t aid drainage or improve air circulation.

Are pots without holes bad?

Note: Pots without drainage holes should never be used outdoors where your plant will get rained on because you have no way of regulating the amount of water your plant receives. So go ahead and use and enjoy those beautiful pots without drainage holes—but do it wisely and never at the expense of your precious plants.

Do pots need holes?

A hole at the bottom of the container is critical. It allows water in the soil to drain freely so adequate air is available for the roots. While various kinds of plants have differing drainage needs, few can tolerate sitting in stagnate water.

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Should you put stones in the bottom of plant pots?