
What are the major challenges in present communication system how fiber optics overcome these challenges?

What are the major challenges in present communication system how fiber optics overcome these challenges?

The most famous challenges can be Speed, Quality, communication degradation, using the full spectrum range of fiber optic, estimating nonlinear noise power, Performance, Dispersion, Improving radio coverage, cost, and QoS. Hence, many solutions were presented to overcome all these challenges.

What is the limitation of optical communication system?

There are two basic limitations that an optical fiber has. The first is actual loss of light as it travels through the fiber and the other is a maximum limitation of the bandwidth of the signals that can be carried.

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What are the reasons for losses in Fibre optics?

Understanding Losses in Optical Fiber

  • Light absorption is a major cause of losses in optical fiber during optical transmission.
  • Scattering is another major cause for losses in optical fiber.
  • Bend loss is the common problems that can cause fiber optic loss generated by improper fiber optic handling.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber?

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Bandwidth is higher than copper cables.
  • Less power loss and allows data transmission for longer distances.
  • The optical cable is resistance for electromagnetic interference.
  • The size of the fiber cable is 4.5 times better than copper wires and.

What are the challenges faced by the wireless communication system in the present Cenario?

Many technical challenges are to be addressed to satisfying stringent and conflicting requirements for future wireless systems, including very high spectral efficiency, very low latency, massive device connectivity, very high achievable data rate, ultra-high reliability, excellent user fairness, high throughput.

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Which two challenges should be considered before implementing Fibre optic media?

Which two issues should be considered before implementing fiber optic media? (Choose two.) Fiber optic cabling requires different termination and splicing expertise from what copper cabling requires. Fiber optic cabling requires specific grounding to be immune to EMI.

What are the types of losses in optical fiber?

Losses in optical fiber:

  • Absorption loss,
  • Scattering loss,
  • Dispersion loss,
  • Radiation loss,
  • Coupling loss.