
What are the most common problems faced while working in automation testing using Selenium?

What are the most common problems faced while working in automation testing using Selenium?

Top 9 Challenges Faced In Selenium Automation

  • Cross Browser Testing.
  • Scalability.
  • Synchronizing Events.
  • Handling Dynamic Elements.
  • False Positive and False Negative Results.
  • Pop up and Alert Handling.
  • Captcha or OTP Handling.
  • Limited Reporting.

What are the disadvantages of using Selenium as testing tool?

II. Disadvantages of Selenium

  • No reliable Technical Support from anybody.
  • It supports Web-based applications only.
  • Difficult to use, takes more time to create Test cases.
  • Difficult to Setup Test Environment when it compares to Vendor Tools like UFT, RFT, SilkTest etc…
  • Limited support for Image Testing.

What are the challenges you have faced during testing in Selenium?

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One of the top challenges faced in Selenium automation is the handling of dynamic web content. Selenium solves for it using the explicit wait feature, where you specify a pre-defined time for the automation testing process to wait for new content to load.

Can we check color in test using selenium?

We can verify the color of a webelement in Selenium webdriver using the getCssValue method and then pass color as a parameter to it. This returnsthe color in rgba() format. The color of the element is also provided in the hex code #797979.

What makes a good automated test?

Good test cases for automation are ones that are run frequently and require large amounts of data to perform the same action. You can get the most benefit out of your automated testing efforts by automating: Repetitive tests that run for multiple builds. Tests that tend to cause human error.

Can we handle colors in Web Driver?

Yes, it is possible to handle colors in WebDriver.