
What are the properties of scintillator?

What are the properties of scintillator?

Properties of scintillators. There are many desired properties of scintillators, such as high density, fast operation speed, low cost, radiation hardness, production capability and durability of operational parameters. High density reduces the material size of showers for high-energy γ-quanta and electrons.

What is a scintillator material?

Scintillators are materials that are able to convert high energy radiation such as X or gamma-rays to a near visible or visible light. They are widely used as detectors in medical diagnostics, high energy physics and geophysical exploration (ref. Knoll).

How does a scintillator detector work?

Scintillation detectors are usually water clear crystalline materials and work better if they contain heavy elements, which are more likely to intercept a gamma ray within the material and absorb its energy. After absorbing a gamma ray, a scintillation crystal emits a pulse of light, usually in the visible spectrum.

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What are the different types of scintillators?

There are two commonly used types of scintillators, inorganic crystals and organic scintillators. The scintillation mechanism is different for these two types.

What is the main function of a detection system formed by a scintillator crystal that is coupled with a photomultiplier tube?

A scintillation detector consists of a crystal or other phosphor coupled with its mount to a PM tube with a silicone oil light-couple. The oil light-couple is necessary to obtain an intimate connection of the phosphor with the photomultiplier to ensure the efficient passage of very small light photons.

Which of the following is inorganic scintillator?

The most common inorganic scintillator is sodium iodide activated with a trace amount of thallium [NaI(Tl)], which has an unusually large light yield corresponding to a scintillation efficiency of about 13 percent.

What is a scintillator in radiology?

Scintillator is a material that convert radial ray such as X-ray into the visible light. By using with a light detector such as TFT, CCD, CMOS sensors, The image can be efficiently converted to a digital image.

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Is NaI a scintillator?

The most widely used scintillation material is NaI(Tl) (thallium-doped sodium iodide). NaI(Tl) as the scintillator is used in scintillation detectors, traditionally in nuclear medicine, geophysics, nuclear physics, and environmental measurements.

Why do we need a scintillator detector?

Scintillation detectors are used for the determination of the high-energy part of the X-ray spectrum. In scintillation detectors the material of the detector is excited to luminescence (emission of visible or near-visible light photons) by the absorbed photons or particles.

What is scintillator radiology?

The scintillator is the component of a gamma camera which receives the gamma rays emitted from a radionuclide in a nuclear medicine scan and converts it to visible light photons. It is located just behind the collimator device.

When a gamma ray is detected in a NaI scintillator what generates the light signal?

1, 2, and 5. When gamma rays interact in scintillator material, ionized (excited) atoms in the scintillator material “relax” to a lower-energy state and emit photons of light. In a pure inorganic scintillator crystal, the return of the atom to lower-energy states with the emission of a photon is an inefficient process.

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What is a scintillation crystal and photomultiplier in CT detector and describe it?

In scintillation detectors the material of the detector is excited to luminescence (emission of visible or near-visible light photons) by the absorbed photons or particles. The number of photons produced is proportional to the energy of the absorbed primary photon. The light pulses are collected by a photo- cathode.