
What are the road safety tips?

What are the road safety tips?

Maintain safety on the roads with these safe driving tips

  • Carry Your Documents In The Car At All Times.
  • Wear Safety Gear While Driving.
  • Stick To Speed Limits.
  • Keep A Safe Distance With The Car In Front Of You.
  • Do Not Drink And Drive.
  • Maintain The Car In Good Condition.
  • Practise Defensive Driving.
  • Avoid Distractions.

What are four safety tips that will help you be a responsible driver?

Following these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:

  • Think safety first.
  • Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention.
  • Do not depend on other drivers.
  • Follow the 3- to 4-second rule.
  • Keep your speed down.
  • Have an escape route.
  • Separate risks.
  • Cut out distractions.
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Who is responsible for your safety while you are driving for work as an employee?

If driving at work is in a worker’s job description, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure all risks associated with it are effectively reduced and protected by adequate control measures.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a company driver?

The company driver’s responsibilities include dropping and picking up staff, collecting various packages, and maintaining a travel log to record work hours, travel-time and locations traveled to. You should also be able to perform routine checks on the company vehicle.

Is employer responsible for employee driving to work?

There will always be risks associated with driving. Although these cannot be completely controlled, an employer has a responsibility to take all reasonable steps to manage these risks and do everything reasonably practicable to protect people from harm in the same way as they would in the workplace.

What skills are needed for a truck driver?

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Truck driving skills examples

  • Safe driving. Safe driving is the top priority for truck drivers and the companies they work for.
  • Focus. As a truck driver, you need to stay focused for extended periods of time.
  • Responsibility.
  • Organizational.
  • Mechanical knowledge.
  • Cleanliness.
  • Practice driving.
  • Learn from others.

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  • Aim High in Steering. ®
  • Get the Big Picture. ®
  • Keep Your Eyes Moving. ®
  • Leave Yourself an Out. ®
  • Make Sure They See You. ®