
What are the rules in the Red Light District?

What are the rules in the Red Light District?

Tourists are not allowed to take photos or video of any of the workers. Street Prostitution and Prostitution Hotels are illegal – people advertising prostitution in the streets likely work for illegal brothels. No public drinking or drunkenness is allowed in the District, including public parks and streets.

Is De Wallen safe at night?

Amsterdam’s Red Light District is mostly safe for travelers who come to see it by day. But nighttime in De Wallen is a different story, with intoxicated crowds, scammers galore, and an industry that depends in large part on exploiting foreign-born women who are victims of sex trafficking.

What time is best for Red Light District?

When you’re walking down the narrow streets of the RLD (also known as De Wallen), you will already notice women appearing behind their windows in the early afternoon, but the busiest and most interesting time to go “window shopping” is from around 11 pm onward.

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What happens if you take pictures in the Red Light District?

Not only is it completely disrespectful to take pictures or videos of someone without their consent, it’s also a violation of privacy. Remember, the prostitutes aren’t outside on the street, but inside a building, meaning when you take pictures or videos you are violating their privacy.

Do they speak English in red light district?

14 | Talk English (or Dutch) With The Locals Especially those who respect the Amsterdam Red Light District etiquette and Dutch laws. Almost all people in Amsterdam speak proper English. Do not try to ask anything in a language other than English (or Dutch).

How much do Red Light District workers earn?

Sex work and sex tourism is so popular in Amsterdam, that most days and nights are relatively high earners. Typically, sex workers in the red light district earn between 200 and 600 euros on an average evening.