
What are the spacing rules?

What are the spacing rules?

With a computer, use only one space following periods, commas, semicolons, colons, exclamation points, question marks, and quotation marks. The space needed after these punctuation marks is proportioned automatically. Use no spaces on either side of a hyphen. [For more rules about hyphens, click on Hyphens.]

How many spaces should be between sentences?

Always put exactly one space between sentences. Or more generally: put exactly one space after any punctuation.

What is correct spacing and punctuation marks?

It used for 1, 11/2, 2 and line spacing. Spacebar: This IS a rectangular bar at the bottom of a typewriter or computer. When touched, it gives space between characters. It is usually typed with the thumb especially the right thumb.

Do you put spaces before and after?

Space Before and After Slash When a slash signifies alternatives between only two words, don’t use spaces before or after.

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What is spacing in writing?

Spacing is a general term for the areas of a page left blank—in particular, the areas between words, letters, lines of type, or paragraphs. White space (also called negative space) is a term used in printing for the parts of a page left free of text and illustrations.

How do you write spaces?

In writing, a space ( ) is a blank area that separates words, sentences, syllables (in syllabification) and other written or printed glyphs (characters). Conventions for spacing vary among languages, and in some languages the spacing rules are complex.

Do you put 1 space or 2 spaces after a period?

Nearly all style guides agree that one space is correct. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) was the only style guide that overtly recommended two spaces after a period, and even that long-time holdout for two spaces changed its guideline to one space in its 2019 update.

Should there be 1 or 2 spaces after a period?

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So which is it? According to the AP Stylebook, single-spacing is correct. The same goes for the Chicago Manual of Style. However, the Modern Language Association Style Center offers different advice, and suggests that writers use a single space after a period unless they have been explicitly told otherwise.

Do you put a space after three dots?

Spacing. Whether you put spaces between the dots or not is a matter of style. The AP Stylebook says to treat the ellipsis as a three-letter word, with spaces on either side of the ellipsis but no spaces between the dots.

Do you put a space before a comma?

We use commas inside sentences. Commas have no meaning, but they help us to see the structure and therefore the meaning of the sentence. Put a space after a comma. Do not put a space before a comma.

Do you put a space between dashes?

Sometimes confused with the hyphen, a dash comes between words as a form of division, whereas a hyphen generally joins words or parts of words to indicate a connection. Do not put a space before or after the dash.

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