
What books should I buy to study for the MCAT?

What books should I buy to study for the MCAT?

Best MCAT Prep Books of 2021

  • The Princeton Review MCAT Subject Review Complete Box Set.
  • Kaplan MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review.
  • Mometrix MCAT Prep Books.
  • Kaplan MCAT 528 Advanced Prep.
  • MCAT Verbal Practice: 108 Passages for the New CARS Section.
  • Kaplan MCAT Flashcards.
  • AAMC Official Guide to the MCAT Exam.

Is 2 months enough for MCAT?

As the official MCAT prep of the AMSA, Kaplan recommends that you spend 300-350 hours studying so you can be above average. If you’re planning on taking the MCAT in two months, you’ll need to put aside a significant amount of study time each week for in order to be able to score competitively.

What is the most important section on the new MCAT?

“The 1 Reason Why MCAT Verbal/CARS is the Most Important Section” MCAT Verbal/CARS is the section that most medical school admissions committees weight the most. Why? You’ll be studying science, not verbal reasoning, in medschool.

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Is UWorld good for MCAT?

High-quality, passage-based questions are the gold standard of MCAT preparation, but unfortunately, they are perennially in short supply for our students. Luckily, UWorld’s MCAT Qbank is a top-quality resource for MCAT preparation.

What is the hardest section of the MCAT?

The Most Difficult MCAT Test Section Many students report that the most difficult section is CARS, and the average scores reported by AAMC back that up. The lowest average section scores overall and for matriculants are in CARS.

Can you Ctrl F on MCAT?

Update: Students cannot use control-F on the MCAT. The keyboard shortcuts offered by Pearson on the MCAT allow the student to navigate forward and backward, highlight (and remove highlights), and strikethrough text (and remove strikethroughs).

Is Khan Academy enough for MCAT?

Khan Academy’s free MCAT course is for students who only need a content review. This content by Khan Academy is sufficient as a standalone review for the MCAT but should still be paired with plenty of additional practice.

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Is UWorld harder MCAT?

Because UWorld questions are significantly more difficult than the AAMC, you will likely score much worse on them. I’ve often seen differences of 10-20\% among my students. So take your UWorld scores with a grain of salt. I consider any score above 75\% on UWorld to be very good.