
What can we learn from aryabhatta?

What can we learn from aryabhatta?

Aryabhatta is among the mathematicians who brought new deductions and theories in mathematics and astronomy. His contribution to the mathematics is unmatched and cannot be ignored, as he was the one who deduced the approximate value of pi, which he found it to be 3.14.

Who discovered zero aryabhatta?

Aryabhata is the first of the great astronomers of the classical age of India. He was born in 476 AD in Ashmaka but later lived in Kusumapura, which his commentator Bhaskara I (629 AD) identifies with Patilputra (modern Patna). Aryabhata gave the world the digit “0” (zero) for which he became immortal.

What country is best at teaching math?

Singapore is the highest-performing country in mathematics, with a mean score of 564 points – more than 70 points above the OECD average. Three countries/economies – Hong Kong (China), Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei – perform below Singapore, but higher than any OECD country in PISA.

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Who was aryabhatta write a note on him?

Aryabhatta was the first mathematician, astronomer and scientist of India who created or discovered the number zero, the place value system, algebraic identities, trigonometrical functions, the value of pi, the shape of the solar system and the whole concept of rotation and revolution of planets.

Is aryabhatta and brahmagupta same?

Aryabhatta predated Brahmagupta. Aryabhatta would live from 476 to 550 AD, whereas Brahmagupta lived from 597 to 668 AD. Both would leave an enormous legacy in the fields of mathematics and astronomy.

Who is aryabhatta and what did he do?

Aryabhata became famous as a mathematician and astronomer. In his only surviving work, Aryabhatiya, he covered a wide range of topics, such as extracting square roots, solving quadratic equations, and predicting eclipses.

How old is aryabhatta?

74 years (476 AD–550 AD)
Aryabhata/Age at death