
What changes were made to the original Star Wars trilogy?

What changes were made to the original Star Wars trilogy?

Star Wars: 10 Ways The Special Editions Changed The Original Trilogy

  • 8 Alternate Dialogue Takes Were Used Across The Various Re-Releases.
  • 9 Additional CG Aliens & Ships Were Added In Various Scenes.
  • 10 Cleaned Up The Special Effects To Match With The Prequel Trilogy.

Do the original versions of Star Wars still exist?

The theatrical cuts of the Star Wars original trilogy are highly sought-after by fans, yet Disney still pretends that they don’t exist. Unsurprisingly to some, the original trilogy was revised once more upon being released on Disney+, with more subtle changes building off of the 2011 Blu-Ray edition.

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When did George Lucas change the original Star Wars?

1997 Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition. Special coverage on CNN in 1997 notes that Lucas spent $10 million to rework his original 1977 film, which cost $26.49 million (in 1997 dollars) to produce in 1977. Of that amount, $3 million was spent on the audio track for the special edition.

When was CGI added to Star Wars?

Computer generated imagery (CGI) barely existed in 1977, and Lucas and his team went on to transform the visual effects industry and set the new standard for the years to come. For the 1977 Episode IV: A New Hope release, Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) was formed.

Is it illegal to watch the original Star Wars?

While a fan-made “Despecialized” Star Wars does exist, it’s not exactly legal to watch. That’s right, Zack Snyder fans didn’t invent demanding a particular edit of a film be released. They aren’t for sale, but downloading and watching the Despecialized Edition is still technically a crime.

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Is Harmy’s Despecialized edition legal?

As a derivative work, Harmy’s Despecialized Edition cannot be legally bought or sold in the United States and other countries with treaties respecting US copyrights, and is “to be shared among legal owners of the officially available releases only”.

Why did George Lucas change the original trilogy?

Dissatisfied with the original theatrical cuts of the original Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, creator George Lucas altered the films in ways that were ostensibly not initially possible, primarily due to limitations of time, budget, and technology.

Which Star Wars DVD is the original?

The Star Wars Trilogy was the first release of the original trilogy on DVD. The collection was released in September 2004, coinciding with the release of Star Wars: Battlefront.