
What could be the risks or negative consequences of expressing emotions in unhealthy ways?

What could be the risks or negative consequences of expressing emotions in unhealthy ways?

Longer term, says Tarratt, there’s an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. And avoiding emotions can also “lead to problems with memory, aggression, anxiety and depression”. A study from the University of Texas found that by not acknowledging our emotions we’re actually making them stronger.

What is the fear of expressing feelings?

People who do have alexithymia may describe themselves as having difficulties with expressing emotions that are deemed socially appropriate, such as happiness on a joyous occasion. Others may furthermore have trouble identifying their emotions.

What happens if you don’t express your emotions?

According to research from Harvard Medical School, the stress that comes from unacknowledged emotions can lead to slow digestion, gas, bloating, vomiting, and ulcers.

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Why you should not express your feelings?

You might worry expressing certain emotions will lead others to judge you and believe you can’t manage your feelings. As a result, you hide your sadness, fear, frustration, and other so-called negative emotions.

How do I stop being afraid of expressing?

If you find it difficult to talk about your feelings, you can develop skills that make the process easier:

  1. Take a deep breath. There are many benefits to deep breathing.
  2. Practice. Constructively sharing your feelings is a skill.
  3. Identify and accept your emotions.
  4. Choose the right listener and the right time.

What are the disadvantages of feelings?

Your emotions can easily cloud your judgment.

  • Excitement can cause you to overestimate your chances of success.
  • Anxiety in one area of your life spills over into other areas.
  • Feelings of sadness can cause you to settle.
  • Anger and embarrassment can lead to taking a long shot.
  • Balance Emotion and Logic.
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