
What day did the lion and unicorn lied yesterday?

What day did the lion and unicorn lied yesterday?

The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, however the other days of the week he speaks the truth. Lion: Yesterday I was lying.

On what days of the week is it possible for the lion to make both of the following two statements?

Answer: Thursday. The only day they both tell the truth is Sunday; but today can’t be Sunday because the lion also tells the truth on Saturday (yesterday). Going day by day, the only day one of them is lying and one of them is telling the truth with those two statements is Thursday.

What question could you ask the person to find out which road leads to the city of truth?

You can ask only one question from any of the two people standing there to determine which way leads to city of truth and which leads to city of lies. Ask anyone, “Which city do you belong too?”.

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When Alice enters the forest of forgetfulness?

When Alice entered the Forest of Forgetfulness, she did not forget everything, only certain things. She often forgot her name, and the one thing she was most likely to forget was the day of the week. Now, the Lion and the Unicorn were frequent visitors to the forest.

What Day comes three days after the day?

Tuesday is the day that comes third after the day which comes second after the day which comes immediately after the day which comes second after monday. Explanation : Second after Monday is Wednesday and then immediately is Thursday and second after Thursday is Saturday after which three days is Tuesday.

How do you solve the two guards riddle?

To solve the puzzle, you must ask one guard (it doesn’t matter which one) which door the other guard would say leads out. Both guards will indicate the same door, which will be the door that doesn’t lead out.

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Which way is the city of truth?

one way is the City of Lies and another way is the City of Truth. Citizens of the City of Lies always lie. Citizens of the City of Truth always tell the truth. A citizen of one of those cities (you don’t know which) is at the intersection.

How much harder is a 2000 piece puzzle than a 1000?

In other words, a 1,000 piece puzzle is a lot more than twice as difficult as a 500 piece puzzle (4 times as difficult) and a 2,000 piece puzzle would be 16 times as difficult. That’s why we can knock off small on-line puzzles in under 10 minutes, while a 1,000 piece puzzle takes many hours.