
What details are on a marriage certificate?

What details are on a marriage certificate?

The certificate of marriage contains the following information: Surname (before and after the marriage), name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship and nationality (if indicated in the record of the act of marriage) of each of the persons married. Date of marriage.

What details are on a marriage certificate UK?

In England and Wales, a marriage certificate holds the following information: date and place of marriage. names, ages and marital status of bride and groom. occupations of bride and groom.

Where is the serial number on a UK marriage certificate?

It’s at the top for a full UK birth certificate, bottom if you have a short version (smaller paper).

Where is the GRO Index reference number?

Find index reference numbers online You can: search the GRO online Index of historic births (1837 to 1916) and deaths (1837 to 1957) view index reference numbers for free on the FreeBMD website.

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How do I register a marriage certificate in the UK?

You need to register on the General Register Office ( GRO ) website to get a copy of a birth, adoption, death, marriage or civil partnership certificate in England and Wales. You can use this service to research your family tree. Order with the GRO index reference number.

What is a certified copy of an entry of marriage?

Order a Marriage Certificate Replacement, suitable for both legal and family history uses. Sometimes also known as Wedding Certificate, these documents are essential to prove a change of name when married.

What does GRO reference number look like?

Every birth, adoption, marriage, civil partnership or death registered in England or Wales has a GRO index reference number which usually consists of the year, volume number, page number and district in which the event was registered.

What is volume number on birth certificate?

The only way to be sure is to purchase certificates. The Volume number given (in the GRO index of births marriages & deaths) is the registration district, ie the district in which the event was registered, not necessarily the actual place the event occurred.

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How do I find my GRO Index reference number?

Firstly, you need to visit You will be taken to the following address: You are now in the GRO website. You will now need to click on the “order certificates online” link.

What is copy of entry?

12/10/2017. Read by: 10,823. 7 min read. Office copy entries are certified copies of the land or charge certificate, obtained from the Land Registry, confirming ownership of a property.

How do I find my GRO number?

You can:

  1. search the GRO online Index of historic births (1837 to 1916) and deaths (1837 to 1957)
  2. view index reference numbers for free on the FreeBMD website.

How do I find my GRO reference number?