
What did Alfonso XIII do?

What did Alfonso XIII do?

Alfonso XIII, (born May 17, 1886, Madrid, Spain—died February 28, 1941, Rome, Italy), Spanish king (1902–31) who by authorizing a military dictatorship hastened his own deposition by advocates of the Second Republic.

Why did Alfonso XIII abdicate the throne?

Nevertheless, it was abandoned by all political classes, as they felt betrayed by the King’s support of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. He left Spain voluntarily after the municipal elections of April 1931, which were taken as a plebiscite on abolishing the monarchy.

What happened to the King of Spain during the Civil War?

Support for his regime gradually faded, and he resigned in January 1930. There was little support for the monarchy in the major cities, and King Alfonso XIII abdicated; the Second Spanish Republic was formed, whose power would remain until the culmination of the Spanish Civil War.

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What happened to the Spanish monarchy in 1931?

The Restoration (Spanish: Restauración), or Bourbon Restoration (Spanish: Restauración borbónica), is the name given to the period that began on 29 December 1874 — after a coup d’état by Martínez Campos ended the First Spanish Republic and restored the monarchy under Alfonso XII — and ended on 14 April 1931 with the …

Why was Alfonso XIII called Africano?

In 1911, after a visit to Melilla, a Spanish city in Africa, the king was dubbed the epithet “The African.” Alfonso was always close to the army fighting in Morocco, making clear his support for this part of the army in crisis between civil and military powers.

What is the meaning of Alfonso?

Ready For Battle
The name Alfonso is primarily a male name of Italian origin that means Ready For Battle.

Is Alfonso XII legit?

One of the more notable royals with questionable parentage was King Alfonso XII of Spain. Alfonso was born in Madrid as the eldest son of Queen Isabella II. Officially, his father was her husband, Infante Francisco de Bourbon, Duke of Cadiz.

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Who was King of Spain during ww2?

Francisco Franco
The general and dictator Francisco Franco (1892-1975) ruled over Spain from 1939 until his death. He rose to power during the bloody Spanish Civil War when, with the help of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, his Nationalist forces overthrew the democratically elected Second Republic.

Who won the Spanish war?

The Nationalists won the war, which ended in early 1939, and ruled Spain until Franco’s death in November 1975.

What is the English equivalent of Alfonso?

Variants of the name include: Alonso (Spanish), Alfonso (Spanish and Italian), Alfons (Dutch, German, Catalan, Polish and Scandinavian), Afonso (Portuguese and Galician), Alphonse, Alfonse (Italian, French and English), etc….Alphons.

Word/name Germanic languages
Meaning “Noble brave”
Popularity see popular names