
What did German soldiers think of the allies?

What did German soldiers think of the allies?

They were seen as honorable opponents and potential allies. It was every German’s hope that the west would recognize the danger posed by the Soviets and would join them in protecting Europe from them.

Are Germany and Italy friends?

Relations between Germany and Italy have traditionally been close. As Germany and Italy are both “young nations”, the two countries share experiences in their historical development. Germany’s political foundations are present in the country and also play a major role in bilateral relations.

Was Italy ever allied with Germany?

Italy joined the Anti-Comintern Pact on November 6, 1937. On May 22, 1939, Germany and Italy signed the so-called Pact of Steel, formalizing the Axis alliance with military provisions. Finally, on September 27, 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, which became known as the Axis alliance.

Was Mark Clark a bad general?

A prime example that emerged from World War II is General Mark Clark–a controversial man at best, an inept and uncaring man at worst. He served in both world wars and was a favored son among the high ranks of Army personnel, but he was despised by many, including some officers, who served under him.

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Does Germany have feelings for Italy?

Germany seems to have a crush on Italy, as evidenced by always blushing in personal moments between them and becoming awkward around him. If Germany really was the Holy Roman Empire, it would be certain that he had one, but at that point of time, he had believed Italy to be a girl.

What did the Volksgrenadiers think of their enemies?

A German veteran and survivor of the 276 th Volksgrenadier Division says of what his comrades thought of various adversaries and allies. To limit it to the above: Russians: Propaganda depicted them as subhuman’s, not worthy of any degree of respect. Experience showed them as capable soldiers.

Did the Germans and the Italians get along well in WW2?

On the other hand, the Italians got along much better than the Germans did with Russian civilians, including the women. When Germany launched Operation Blue, its summer 1942 offensive in southern Russia, the Italians advanced along with them.

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Why did the Germans blame the Italians for the 8th Army?

Two Italians divisions were slammed by fifteen Soviet divisions and a hundred tanks, while the few German reserves were too busy to support the Italians. Meanwhile, other Soviet forces attacked the Romanian and Hungarian troops on the Italian flanks, and soon the Eighth Army was encircled. The Germans blamed the Italians for cowardice.

What was the Italian Eighth Army doing at Stalingrad?

Among them were the Italian Eighth Army to the northeast of Stalingrad, defending a long front almost two hundred miles long, with almost no German reserves to support it. Stavka, the Soviet high command, realized that the weak points of the German bulge into southern Russia were those defended by the Axis allies.