
What Disney character is the most annoying?

What Disney character is the most annoying?

10 Most Annoying Disney Characters, Ranked

  1. 1 Darla. And then there is someone who may be the most annoying Disney character of all time: Darla from Finding Nemo.
  2. 2 Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear.
  3. 3 Mater.
  4. 4 Tito.
  5. 5 Mushu.
  6. 6 Ray.
  7. 7 Anastasia & Drizella.
  8. 8 Cogsworth.

Which is the most hated Disney princess?

Aurora is, undoubtedly, the worst Disney character to ever exist. Not that she exists all that much, mind you: she appears on screen for 18 minutes. Her first line is spoken 19 minutes into the film. Her last line is delivered after she learns of her betrothal, 39 minutes in.

Who is the most annoying Disney villain?

15 Most Evil Disney Villains (& The Worst Thing They Did)

  1. 1 Hades: Set The Titans On Mount Olympus.
  2. 2 Ursula: Takes Ariel’s Voice.
  3. 3 The Horned King: Summoning His Army.
  4. 4 Man: Shot Bambi’s Mother.
  5. 5 Scar: Usurping The Throne And Killing Mufasa.
  6. 6 Doctor Facilier: Killing Ray.
  7. 7 Judge Claude Frollo: His Whole Reign Of Terror.
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What is the least known Disney character?

Disney: The 10 Most Underrated Characters Of All Time

  1. 1 Quasimodo (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
  2. 2 Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
  3. 3 Wilbur Robinson (Meet The Robinsons)
  4. 4 Little John (Robin Hood)
  5. 5 Phil (Hercules)
  6. 6 Panchito & Jose (The Three Caballeros)
  7. 7 Bianca & Bernard (The Rescuers/The Rescuers Down Under)

What Disney character is lazy?

Susan Wentworth, who people mostly call her Lazy Susan, is a recurring character in the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls. She is a woman who lives in Gravity Falls, Oregon and is known for being lazy and not wanting to do things.

Who is the most selfish Disney princess?

Elsa has the market on selfishness. Pretty much the exact opposite of Anna who sacrifices everything. It will be intersting to see if Elsa steps up to the plate in the upcoming sequel or just continues her selfish ways.

Which Disney princess is the cutest?

Some Guy Ranks the 14 Hottest Disney Princesses

  1. Jasmine. Disney. There’s no way anyone else was going to be at the top of this list.
  2. Belle. Disney. Belle is the Disney version of the manic pixie dream girl.
  3. Mulan. Disney.
  4. Ariel (SEQUELS ONLY) Disney.
  5. Rapunzel. Disney.
  6. Cinderella. Disney.
  7. Tiana. Disney.
  8. Pocahontas. Disney.
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Who is the most forgotten Disney character?

Disney: 10 Forgotten Characters The House Of Mouse Refuses To Acknowledge

  1. 1 Uncle Remus & Everyone In Song Of The South.
  2. 2 Sunflower.
  3. 3 Julius the Cat.
  4. 4 Doctor Syn, Alias The Scarecrow.
  5. 5 Oliver, Dodger & Company.
  6. 6 Kessie.
  7. 7 The Brave Little Toaster & Friends.
  8. 8 Professor Owl.