
What do create mean in English?

What do create mean in English?

verb [ T ] us. /kriˈeɪt/ to cause something to exist, or to make something new or imaginative: He created some of the most magnificent works of art ever made.

What is the meaning of setting up?

the act of doing or organizing something without the knowledge of someone; doing a trick, stunt, or prank.

What is set up in Tagalog?

The English word “set up” can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: magtayô – [verb] to set up; to build; to erect; to put up; to construct; to fabricate 5 Example Sentences Available » more…

What the difference between make and create?

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Use of the verb “make” tells us that the production processes and the vehicle or clothing designs already existed. The verb “create” usually suggests newness or innovation. Generally, it means to produce something new or to bring something into existence.

What is a good sentence for create?

“She quickly created a game to pass the time.” “He successfully created a new product for his company.” “The economy suddenly created new jobs.” “He purposely created a scene in public.”

What is the difference between set-up and setup?

The noun setup is usually styled as a solid compound (that is, as a single word) in American English and as a hyphenated compound (set-up) in British English. The verb set up, on the other hand, is usually found as an open compound (two words, no hyphen) in both American and British English.

What’s another word for setting up?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for set up, like: set, establish, arrange, originate, end, patronize, entrap, assemble, configure, found and begin.

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How do I use setup?

Using Setup in a Sentence When to use setup: Setup is a noun that usually means an arrangement but can also mean a place to live or a trick or trap to make someone appear guilty who is innocent. For example, The setup for the fundraiser will take several hours, so we’d better get started.

What is the meaning of access in Tagalog?

The English word “access” can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: Best translations for the English word access in Tagalog: daanan [verb] to pass through somewhere; to stop by somewhere; to have access somewhere 5 Example Sentences Available » more…

What is the synonyms of create?

synonyms for create

  • build.
  • conceive.
  • constitute.
  • construct.
  • design.
  • devise.
  • discover.
  • establish.

How do you use the word create in a sentence?

Always drink a lot of water when you’re taking creatine . By using quality European produced creatine and ensuring that sufficient fluid is consumed, creatine can be used completely safely without any side effects. Many foods especially salmon, tuna, and beef contain some creatine .

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Will create sentences in English?

Examples of Will: I will go to the cinema tonight. He will play tennis tomorrow. She will be happy with her exam results. They will take the bus to the South next week.