
What do Dark Eldar do to prisoners?

What do Dark Eldar do to prisoners?

In a Dark Eldars interrogation after they get off all the information available from their captives they continue torturing them than letting them go. If a Dark Eldar is killed off they don’t use a soul stone like the Eldar relatives to preserve their life souls from being eaten by Slaanesh.

Does Dark Eldar torture Eldar?

Not only are they the most “businesslike” about torture, they also enjoy it more than anyone else. The Dark Eldar really, genuinely enjoy inflicting the most imaginatively horrific tortures they can think up on hopeless victims.

Are Drukhari Dark Eldar?

The Drukhari (pronounced Druh-KAR-ee) or “Dark Ones” in the Aeldari Lexicon, also known to outsiders as the Dark Eldar, are a forsaken and corrupt Aeldari kindred, the sadistic, malicious counterparts of the Asuryani.

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What is Daemonculaba?

The Daemonculaba was the name given to the individuals used in the attempt to create new Chaos Space Marines from the mutated womb of a Human female, making use of the uncorrupted gene-seed stolen from the Imperial Fists’ repository on the world of Hydra Cordatus.

Who is the strongest race in Warhammer fantasy?

In tabletop, the Eldar are arguably the strongest faction in the game thanks to their fantastic units. In lore, Eldar are equally formidable but are short on supply.

What do Dark Eldar do to slaves?

The dark Eldar need to torture slaves to extract “soul energy” ( for lack of a better term) to replace the soul-stuff slaanesh constantly sucks from them. They use humans and other species for this because Dark Eldar souls-being damaged are “worth less” than undamaged souls.

Why does Slaanesh eat Eldar?

When Slaanesh was created, his/her/its first breath killed billions of Eldar and absorbed their souls. As the Eldar Pantheon was sustained by the collective beliefs of the Eldar, the death of so many of their worshipers severely weakened them, allowing Slaanesh to defeat and devour nearly all of them.

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What happened to the Remembrancers?

The Sons of Horus captured Voss and the other 20 Remembrancers he had convinced to come along to show the truth of the tragedy engulfing the Imperium. Taken to the audience chamber aboard Horus’ flagship the Vengeful Spirit, the Remembrancers were gunned down by Horus’ Justaerin Terminators.

How are new Chaos Marines created?

Creation of new Chaos Marines The children that are turned into new Chaos Marines are bred from slave stock and captives acquired from raids on Imperial worlds [6 pg. 243].