
What do you do when your data does not support your hypothesis?

What do you do when your data does not support your hypothesis?

Formulating a New Hypothesis If the initial hypothesis is not supported, you can go back to the drawing board and hypothesize a new answer to the question and a new way to test it. If your hypothesis is supported, you might think of ways to refine your hypothesis and test those.

What happens if the data does not support your research question?

Explanation: If the data consistently do not support the hypothesis, then CLEARLY, the hypothesis is NOT a reasonable explanation of what you are investigating. The hypothesis is rejected, and we search for a new interpretation, an new hypothesis that supports the experimental data.

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What does a hypothesis become when it is tested by experiments over and over again?

As sufficient data and evidence are gathered to support a hypothesis, it becomes a working hypothesis, which is a milestone on the way to becoming a theory. Though hypotheses and theories are often confused, theories are the result of a tested hypothesis.

What do scientists do when their hypothesis is wrong?

When a hypothesis fails, the first thing you should do is examine the data closely. Then use your research and data to determine a possible reason why the hypothesis was incorrect. Once you come up with a reason your hypothesis may have failed, you can start thinking of ways to check your assumption.

What happens when scientists get different results the second time they conduct a study?

What happens when scientists get different results the second time they conduct a study? The results of the first study are questioned, and they conduct the study again to test their results. Why might it be important to have a variety of participants in a psychological study? Why must a study be replicated?

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Is an experiment considered to be a failure if the hypothesis is not supported explain your answer?

The science experiment is designed to disprove or support the initial hypothesis. When the findings do not align with the hypothesis, the experiment is not a failure. When the results do not agree with the hypothesis, record the information just as if it did support the original hypothesis.

When a hypothesis formed using the scientific method continues to hold true when tested against facts over time the hypothesis evolves into a?

What is the order of the steps in scientific method? Observation, hypothesis, experiment / further observation, conclusion. The conclusion then either evolves into a scientific theory (after multiple tests of the experiment, all yielding the same results), or it will go back to the hypothesis step.

Why do we need to repeat the experiment several times?

Repeating an experiment more than once helps determine if the data was a fluke, or represents the normal case. It helps guard against jumping to conclusions without enough evidence. The number of repeats depends on many factors, including the spread of the data and the availability of resources.

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Why do experiments need to be recorded and repeatable?

Why is the ability to repeat experiments important? Replication lets you see patterns and trends in your results. This is affirmative for your work, making it stronger and better able to support your claims. This helps maintain integrity of data.