
What does attentiveness mean?

What does attentiveness mean?

1 : mindful, observant attentive to what he is doing. 2 : heedful of the comfort of others : solicitous an attentive waitress. 3 : offering attentions in or as if in the role of a suitor an attentive boyfriend.

What is attentiveness example?

The definition of attentive is paying attention to or being thoughtful of others. A child who always carefully listens to his mother’s directions is an example of someone who is attentive. Paying close attention; alert or observant.

What does attentiveness mean in business?

attentiveness – the trait of being observant and paying attention.

Why is it important to be attentive?

Paying attention to people shows we care. Paying attention to details helps to accomplish our goals faster and with accuracy. The most effective people are those who give their undivided attention to the people, problems, opportunities, and moments that come into their life.

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What is attentiveness in customer service?

3) Customer Attentiveness – When an agent is ready to speak with customers, the most important element of a conversation is attentiveness. Ensure agents listen to customers and pay attention, asking follow-up questions as needed but referencing what the customer has said when they frame their own communication.

How do you demonstrate attentiveness?


  1. Look at people when they speak.
  2. Ask questions if I don’t understand.
  3. Sit or stand up straight.
  4. Not draw attention to myself.
  5. Not be distracted by others.

What does attentiveness do for workers?

It improves the quality of one’s work. Mindfulness helps improve the quality of your output because you are more present and focused on the tasks you perform. Additionally, when you give a task your full attention, you will finish it quickly and more accurately.

What is attentiveness in communication?

Attentiveness Attentiveness means being aware of what’s going on in your environment. It can be as simple as noticing when someone is getting bored, to sensing that now’s not the right time to put your ideas across. It’s knowing when to act and when not to act.

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Why is attentiveness important in customer service?

How important is attentiveness in customer service?

Why is adaptability important?

Adaptability expands your capacity to handle change, no matter how serious it might be. Instead of throwing away your energy trying to change your circumstance, you will change yourself right from within, thus making you thrive in whatever situation you find yourself.

What is non verbal communication explain with suitable examples?

Nonverbal communication sends cues to others using actions rather than words. This can include communication using hand gestures, eye contact, body language, appearance, facial expressions and tone of voice.