
What does baneful mean in English?

What does baneful mean in English?

Definition of baneful 1 : productive of destruction or woe : seriously harmful a baneful influence. 2 archaic : poisonous. Other Words from baneful Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More About baneful.

What is a baleful stare?

(ˈbeɪl fəl) adj. 1. menacing or malign; threatening evil: baleful glances.

Which is an example of a baleful action?

The definition of baleful is something that is threatening and dangerous. An example of something baleful is a powerful hurricane.

Is baleful an adjective?

BALEFUL (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is baneful a synonym?

Some common synonyms of baneful are deleterious, detrimental, noxious, and pernicious. While all these words mean “exceedingly harmful,” baneful implies injury through poisoning or destroying.

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Can people be baneful?

The definition of baneful is harmful or destructive to someone or something.

Does baleful mean misery?

full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious. Obsolete. wretched; miserable.

What’s a synonym for audibly?

perceptible, discernible, detectable, hearable, able to be heard, recognizable, appreciable. clear, distinct, loud, carrying. inaudible, faint. toey. adjective.

What does baleful mean in Beowulf?

Both of these adjectives derive from ancient Old English words. In Beowulf, a bane is a murderer. In modern usage, the adjective baleful is used in the sense of threatening: And as he spoke his eyes gleamed, and again that baleful smile passed over his face.

How do you use baleful in a sentence?

Examples of ‘baleful’ in a sentence baleful

  1. He just gives me a baleful look.
  2. That baleful glare demanded that you took him seriously.
  3. By now it had reached the sea, where it paused for a moment to fix us with a baleful stare.
  4. His baleful influence will wane.
  5. Look at the baleful example of MPs’ salaries.
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What is the synonym of baleful?

1 harmful, malign, injurious, detrimental; evil, wicked; deadly. See synonyms for baleful on