
What does being a rho gamma mean?

What does being a rho gamma mean?

Recruitment Counselor
A Rho Gamma, or Recruitment Counselor, is an active member of a Panhellenic sorority who guides PNMs through the formal recruitment process. Each woman serving as a Rho Gamma will have no contact with sororities throughout the recruitment period.

Why do you want to serve as a Rho Gamma?

A Rho Gamma’s mission is to counsel and guide women who are interested in joining a sorority and serve as representatives of the sorority and fraternity community. As Rho Gammas help PNMs in their decision making, it is crucial they stay unbiased throughout the whole process.

What does Rho mean in sorority?

Rush Terms

Bid Official invitation to join a fraternity/sorority.
Sigma Rho Chi Sorority Recruitment Counselors who are available to answer questions a potential member may have about recruitment. These women have temporarily disaffiliated from her chapter to provide objective advice and support to potential new members.
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Why is it called a Rho Gamma?

Rho Gamma is the name of student counselors during the sorority recruitment process (Recruitment Guides). They are selected from each of the sororities and are anonymous during the entire process.

What bid day for sororities?

last day of recruitment
Bid Day: The last day of recruitment, when potential new members receive bids to join chapters and become new members. Each chapter will usually host a Bid Day activity to help the new members get to know each other and the rest of the chapter, like bowling or roller skating.

What is a Rho Chi during rush?

Rho Chi’s are women from all chapters and are an essential part to a potential new member’s (PNM) experience through recruitment. Rho Chis encourage new women to become involved with an activity that will shape their college lives and beyond.

What is Rho Chi in rush?

A Pi Rho Chi is also known as a Recruitment Counselor. They serve as a guide and mentor for potential new members as they go through the recruitment process. Before recruitment begins, each PNM will be assigned a Pi Rho Chi who will be their point-of-contact until recruitment is over.

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Are Gamma Chis in sororities?

Gamma Chis are affiliated sorority women; but during recruitment, every Gamma Chi disaffiliates from their chapter in order to best guide PNMs through their recruitment experience. Gamma Chis are there to answer questions, be a friend on campus and provide support during Panhellenic sorority recruitment.

Why do Gamma Chis Disaffiliate?

They have a collective goal for the events to go as smoothly as possible. For recruitment, these leaders are called Gamma Chis. A Gamma Chi is a sorority member from a Panhellenic chapter that willfully disaffiliates from their letters to facilitate the ins-and-outs of recruitment.

How long is rush for sororities?

three days to two weeks
Sorority recruitment, often called sorority rush, is a process that can last anywhere from three days to two weeks during which sororities recruit potential new members (PNMs) to join their chapter of the national sorority.

What does a Rho Chi do?

Rho Chi is an international honor society for pharmaceutical sciences. It was founded on May 19, 1922, to “encourage high scholastic achievement and fellowship among students in pharmacy and to promote the pharmaceutical sciences.”